9 - Pledged Oath

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I sauntered to the door that read '507'. Once I arrived, I knocked three times. I heard foot-steps apogee to the door before it was opened.

"Hi Lauri, I came to check on you. How's the studying going?" I ask whilst walking into the room.

"The studying is going nice. E-excuse the mess." Lauri rubbed the back of her neck and nervously chuckled. I huff and wave a nonchalant hand her direction. I couldn't care less about the mess.

She had flash cards spread across her bed with words from every letter of the alphabet.

I smiled at the mess. "This only shows me you're working hard." I looked at her. She smiled and began walking over to the bed to sit down.

"How'd the talk with Kurapika go?" Lauri queried. I think back to the conversation we had before he exposed me to the newfound apprehension of super human abilities.

I couldn't tell Lauri about nen yet, it might strike as a distraction to her learning. I just opted to tell her about her tutor instead.

"It went well. We actually happened to find you a tutor that'll be here for a short duration." I muse.

Lauri nodded her head. "What does that even mean?" Lauri questioned. My eyebrow twitched out of emptiness.

I had nothing.

"I'm honestly not quite sure. You're a fast learner so Kurapika told me he'd be here for 3-4 months, but I personally think that's far-fetched." I say.

Lauri barred confusion. "Did Kurapika say that I was a fast learner?" She laughed while simultaneously asking a genuine question. I put my finger on my chin in response, tapping my foot to think back to everything he said.

"If my memory serves, he did not. I probably should've made that clear though.--" I muse

Lauri nods in understanding, still quite confused but taking it all in. "Well, I'm grateful the two of you cared enough to even do this for me." Lauri says through a heart-felt smile. I smiled back at her and note that she seemed so much happier here than where we were previously.

"I deeply appreciate that you appreciate our kindness, but you deserve it in all honesty. Your tutor should be here soon, so do you want to get ready to meet him?" I asked. Her tutor would be here in the next 30 minutes, so better make a good first impression.

"Yes, of course. I'll be ready in about 15." Lauri expressed. The look of content on her face is a look that is a sight to behold. So much innocence lies behind her bright amber eyes, and I'd do anything to protect that innocence.

"Ok, meet Kurapika and I in the lobby whenever you're ready, you might see a new face as well." I chuckle.



The elevator dinged, and I made my way out to the utmost bottom floor where the lobby resided. The designs flood my vision as I continued to walk through the layout. The lobby was beside the breakfast stop we first talked at, so how didn't I notice the charm here?

I continued to look around until Kurapika came into view, sitting on a bench with his elbows on his knees. He seemed to be deep in thought, so I just sat next to him but kept my mouth shut. I figured he'd notice me, but he didn't. After a couple more minutes of him just staring into nothingness, I finally spoke up.

"Earth to Kurapika ♫ " I singsonged. He somewhat flinched but not enough to be noticed. He slowly sat up and stretched his back. He then looked at me and noticed a fit of laughter being held back from me.

War of the Ruby [Kurapika x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now