4 - Broken Encounters

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Generally speaking, having extra information outside of your own knowledge range is deemed as "useless knowledge". I don't necessarily abide by this, but judging by the things I've learned while being within this industry, most of it isn't useful whatsoever.

As a kid, I thought the only thing you could do to be successful, is steal things to gain things. But growing up, I've grasped on to the fact that people work for the things they receive. It doesn't just come to them.

Of course you could consider my line of work to be earning, but out of all seriousness, we all know it's just stealing.

After what I've learned yesterday about the Kurta Clan, of course I didn't want to steal the item, especially because it's a human organ. But upon knowing that there are other Kurta's out there, it made me feel like everything I've done up into that point was of wrong-doing.

Taking something that doesn't belong to you.

Deep within my thought, Lauri tapped me and pointed to the phone, which is ringing.

What could Mr. Alpin want now...

Then I realized that Lauri and I never notified him of our loss. We were never able to retrieve the eyes that he wanted so badly. But it is abnormal for Mr. Alpin to call for an item under a weeks notice.

I hastily walk over to the phone and answer nervously, motioning for Lauri to come near and listen. She stands next to me, leaning her head near the telephone as I begin talking.

"M-Mr. Alpin, I'm so sorry, but we weren't able to-"

We were cut off by an unexpected voice on the other line.

"This isn't Howard." A stern voice replies. I recognize this voice to be the Kurta boy Lauri and I met yesterday. His voice was very distinctive, yet feminine in a sense.

I reply calmer, subconsciously noting that it wasn't who I initially thought it was.

"Oh, sorry.--" I nervously chuckle, much to the boy's dismay. "--Are you calling to discuss the eyes?" I ask, partially knowing the reason for his sudden call.

He then replies. "Yes, I am. We need to meet up Lipa Station. There's too much to discuss over the phone." He says. 

I felt a sudden pang in my chest. What Lauri and I were about to do shouldn't be taken lightly.

I'm coming to the realization that we will be betraying Cane&Co.

This won't be easy, unless I try and work it out with Mr. Alpin. But saying both 'work it out' and 'Mr. Alpin' in the same sentence doesn't even make sense within itself.

After a moment of thinking, I respond. "Yea, uh sure. What time?" I ask. 

I hear some shuffling on the other line before the boy replies. "6pm, though I'm not sure how long it will take." He says. 

Even though Mr. Alpin is strict as can be, he isn't strict enough to check under a weeks time for what he asks for. I either bring it to him, or get someone to escort it for me with a note specifying its from me. So I'm not too worried about what could happen at the moment if I don't tell him at the moment.

I respond, relieved by my own thoughts. "Alright, that's cool. Is it okay if I bring Lauri as well?--" 

Lauri heard this, and then tapped me. The boy was about to speak until I cut him off. "--Uh, one sec." I put the phone down, but didn't hang up.

I looked at Lauri confused, as she looked down to the floor. "Mr Alpin actually wanted to see me in a few, and I believe it's for a genuine conference to make up for my sudden appearance the other day." She says, voice just above a whisper. I softened, trying to reassure her.

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