7 - Passion Overrides Blemish

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I placed a moonlight on my night stand that served as the last finishing touch to my room. I was still unpacking things from yesterday that I brung along with me from my former estate. I ended up stealing some items from the estate that struck my fancy.

I turned around and looked at the same bag that reminded me of Lauri this entire time. I just couldn't shake the odd feeling that reading is not apart of her skills of fluency. I grabbed the bag and left my room, which automatically locks behind whoever leaves or enters.

I walked down the hallway to find the number '507' and knocked on it gently. After all, I'm wasn't sure if she's awake. Waiting for a couple of seconds, I hear a faint 'coming' that sounded quite groggy.

'She was asleep, aw.'

I hear footsteps crescendo to the door as the door knob starts  slowly to wobble. She opened the door and I was met with a half-asleep Lauri that was sort of limp when the wind of the wood glided past her face and fuzzy hair. I held up the bag with a closed-eye smile, inviting myself into her space.

She made way for me and the door shut behind me. I sat on the bed, eyeing her as she walked closer.

"Sorry Lauri, I didn't know you were still sleeping. It's 11:42am and you're usually up by then." I say quietly. 

She had a tired smile on her face that told me everything I needed to know. She sat on the bed right next to me, creating an indentation in the prior vacant area. "It's okay, I should be awake anyway. I was just tired from all of the walking yesterday." She giggled.

I chuckle alongside her and look at the bag, the initial reason for coming here in the first place resurfacing in my mind.

"I had a question for you." I say, still eyeing the bag that remains in my hands. She hums awaiting my question. 

"Are you able to read?" I ask her, reluctant as I may have crossed some boundaries.

It was silent, so I decided to keep my eyes on the bag to avoid any awkwardness. After some silence, she finally confessed. "The only language I am able to read fluently is Bümonian. However, I can speak both languages fluently enough. My only problem is reading in this language, but I know how to read short 3-lettered words." She replied, voice taut and breathy.

Hearing this, I almost felt obligated. 

Obligated for what though?

I wasn't completely sure what I felt obligated for, I just did. It was a nagging feeling that shook me earnestly to the core. I brought her into this life, and her inability to read can be crucial for her.

She needs to be taught to read no matter how or what the cost. I want her to be able to function on her own, owing to the sad truth that I wont be here forever.

I never want to think of it that way, but it will happen whether I like it or not.

I finally looked up from the bag to look at her, who had already been looking at me to read my expressions. "Don't worry. This isn't your fault. We're gonna teach you to read, no matter what it takes, 'kay?" I say, reassuring her.

I want the best for her.

She smiled at me, and looked at the bag I held my hand. I held the bag up to find the words she questioned about yesterday.

I pointed at the words. "Oh, and by the way, this says, 'passion overrides blemish'". I whispered. 

She held out her hand, expecting me to put the bag in her hand.

I placed the bag gently into her palm, and gave her some insight on what the statement meant. "It means that no matter how flawed you may be, your passion and soul that lies within you will always be stronger and seen tons more than your apparent blemishes." I say, breaking down that quote from the bag.

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