1 - Another Vow

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I fled before I could be seen by the jewelry proctor. All that could be distinguished from outsiders, is a person running away from a jewelry store clad in all black. This prompted a 911 call from an elderly woman a block from me.

'Why can't people just mind their business?'

Taking notice of the distant sirens, I choose to hide in an open valley that seemingly was separated from reality. As soon as I entered the alley, it felt as if a void of had taken over my body. 

My ears rang louder as the sirens got closer.

Still looking behind me, I continue to run down this seemingly never ending alley. It felt as if I was running forever, until I trip over a small figure sitting against the wall.

I catch myself with my left hand before I could fall completely. My gaze is brung to this girl -- presumably my age, sitting against one the walls that make up the alleyway. She looked dirty and malnourished.

'She must be homeless.'

What other judgements were there to be made? Taking cover behind the girl, I sit next to her on the far end, so I could no longer be seen by anyone. She looks at me with a confused, but worried expression.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." I say, with a rash tone. She pulled her knees closer to her chest as a non-verbal response. 

I keep my gaze on her, before soon shifting my eyes to the ground in front of me. "I feel for you. Being alone takes your sense of reality from you. I learned the hard way." I turned to look at her again with a small smile I didn't know I had plastered on my face.

She says nothing, but smiles back at me with dissipated energy. I look at the ground again, thinking of something I should say to keep the awkwardness at a minimum. 

But then I heard an unfamiliar voice speak.

"Sorry for making you trip."

Her hushed voice catches me off guard, and I look at her with an unreadable expression before speaking back to the girl. "So you do talk, interesting. For a second I thought you were a mute." I chuckle. I hear her stifle a short lived laugh next to me.

She stopped laughing, but still had a visible smile on her face. "I've actually thought about going mute. I no longer find interest in talking to people anymore because I've been distant for so long--" Her smile faded while she spoke. "--but you, you actually seem really nice and I felt bad for not speaking back."

Now that she spoke a bit more, I've noticed that she has some sort of foreign accent. It's faint, but didn't go unnoticed. I'm not good with accents, so I couldn't tell where she was from exactly.

"Don't pity me, I just didn't want you to be intimidated."

Considering I was wearing all black and running from the cops, you would believe that someone such as herself would be frightened to even come close. But, for some odd reason, she didn't seem frightened at all, as if this was normal for her. She smiled at me again before signaling to keep talking.

I wanted badly to know why she was sitting back here. Of course she was homeless, but why would she choose to sit here out of sight from any potential help?

"Why are you just sitting back here alone? It's chilly and dangerous out here. Anything could happen." I finally asked my biggest waiting question. Her gaze remained on me as her face looked seemingly frozen. It took her a while before she finally decided say something.

"It's a long story." Her face stayed expressionless as those words left her chapped lips.

"I have time." I reply, with an unnoticeable smile on my face. She looked down to the pavement as if she was contemplating whether she should give me the full story, or make it short. It didn't matter to me, I just wanted to know so I can figure out how to.. 

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