23 - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

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"Tell me more about yourself.. like about your childhood."

He attempted to keep his expression unreadable but I could see something flash across his face. Not too sure what it was, perhaps surprise? Nostalgia?

"How will that help you?" He asked, his face now completely bare. He was trying to pry information out of me before telling me anything on his behalf. I'm assuming that he may feel as though that information had nothing to do with the situation whatsoever.

"Because I think that you have something to do with this." I said, looking directly into his blackish eyes.

His eyes widened. Not because he was beginning to get it, but because he was perplexed that I would even suggest such an idea.

"You think I have something to do with your mothers plan?" He asked sarcastically, half serious.

"Yes, but before you get all angry with me, please let me explain." I pushed my hands up in surrender before I sat back down in the seat.

Everyone's eyes remained on me but the only ones I truly felt were Kurapika's. He looked slightly worried for my explanation, confused as to why I would propose the idea that he had anything to do with her mission. He must've felt terrible, but he didn't try and cut me off as I began to explain my thoughts.

"When Lauri reminded me of when my mother claimed to put me into Cane&Co all because she wanted me to get stronger, knowing that was a lie now made me realize how I actually got stronger. I may have built up a reputation and mental barrier for myself during my time there, but I never physically became powerful like she wanted me to -- until after I met you."


"Let me finish. I don't think that you are conscious that you might have something to do with this. That's why I'm bringing it to yours everyone else's attention before things go off on a tangent. However, this is just a notion that I can't shake the feeling of."

I'd much rather have some type of hypothesis rather than being completely clueless, because at the end of the day, I might actually be right.

Kurapika starts looking around to take in the expressions of everyone else's face. Lauri's seemed to have a look of determination. As for Flo, he just looked like he was ready to go to bed, Leorio and Gon had puzzled expressions, like they were broken between which side to take.

Killua had this poker face, like he was ready to get things going already.

The blonde finally turned his gaze back to me. He had this slight frown on his face, now questioning his own life.

"I get what you're saying, but what exactly does this have to do with my childhood? I strongly believe the massacre is something that is exclusive solitarily to me, being I am the last survivor as a result. I think you might have the wrong idea."

I looked down quickly seeing that he may have a point, but I quickly looked back up in response to his rebuttal.

"Kurapika, I think you're the one who has the wrong idea. I knew that you had no recollection of my mother whatsoever due to your body language and reaction when I first told you about her. Therefore, I know you wouldn't be so much of a traitor to keep something like that from me. Your placement in this situation just seems too premeditated for it to be just some freaky coincidence."

Kurapika looks up to ponder his times before the massacre. He sees the point being made, which is why he too, is becoming suspicious of the situation.

"I feel uneasy." Leorio said, his lanky figure crouching to set his suitcase down. I look over to the older man.

"I know. I really wouldn't know how to feel if my hunches are correct. It's just a gut feeling that Kurapika migh-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the blonde drags me by my arm out of the hotel estate room. Before he completely exits, he turns around. "Y/N and I are going to have a chat. For now, goodnight everyone." He says passive-aggressively before quietly shutting the door behind us.

"Wha... where are you taking me?" I ask, before he loosens his grip from around my arm.

"Just as I said. We're going to take a walk and chat. I'm going to tell you about my childhood." He turns his gaze from in front of him to eye me instead.

I look at him with slight confusion. "What makes you change your mind?" I ask innocently.

"Because I see what you're talking about. Although I'm still not sure how you came up with this without knowing about my past."

I take my eyes off of him and eye the ground I walked. "... Truth is, I do know how I came up with the idea, but again, it's nothing more than a hunch."

We keep walking down the hallway until we reach the elevator. Kurapika presses the button on the side and continues our conversation.

"This so-called 'hunch' makes almost too much sense. How'd you come up with it?" He asks.

The elevator doors opened, and we sauntered inside. "It all started when you and Flo opened up to me up about her falsehoods. Then after realizing everything she told me was just that, I thought about her connection with Howard. She put me into that organization knowing damn well that he was a flesh collector. And if she knew that, there's no doubt that she knew he possessed the Scarlet eyes as well."

Kurapika's face went blank. The mention of what he lost made his mood turn upside down. The elevator filled up with the smell of melancholy, just before the doors opened to let us out to the first floor.

I could almost hear his fury, one defining it as rage wouldn't be unheard of.

"And you're saying that to say what?" He spoke through his teeth.

Even though I was expecting his response to sound aggressive and angry, his voice came out tamed and calming, just above a whisper.

"I'm not saying anything just yet. I'm still questioning the claim myself. Regardless, what if she knew we were going to become acquaintances from some decoy she compelled?"

"Decoy? What decoy? I don't think we were lured into becoming friends."

I looked at him and smiled.

Until the smile went away.

"Do you really think you would be my friend if you didn't have to?" I asked bluntly. There was a reason we were even made familiar with each other in the first place, because I'm closely connected to someone who owns something he yearns for.

That wall that was put between us at the very beginning had to be destructed at some point. Despite my limited knowledge about Kurapika, I feel like I know everything there is to know about him. It's all so strange that we've only known each other for almost a year, yet it feels like I grew up with him.

The blonde sped up only to stop in right front of me, his eyes stabbing into my own.

"I think we both know I don't have to be your friend in order to get what I need. I could've done this on my own."

"And yet, you didn't. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have found out about Howard's possessions as soon as you did." I clapped-back.

I didn't realize how close he got to my face until after I finished talking. His eyes were shifting from my left and right ones, trying to read me.

"What are you implying?" His voice was so low, I could barely hear what he said.

"I wont dare say that you need me, but teamwork makes the dream work."

War of the Ruby [Kurapika x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin