25 - Leading Memories

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"Something you only saw on TV was actually playing its way into your life the more and more we spoke." Kurapika quaked. He kept his gaze on the ground and continued.


Those words. They kept playing over and over again in my mind like a broken record. It would be an understatement to mention that the dubiety I was feeling at the moment was disenchanting.

Kurapika even said it himself.

The more and more we became acquainted with one another, the more power seeped into the veins of their temple -- my body.

The only thing I couldn't seem to grasp, was the reason behind why there seemed to be such a strong connection between the masses of strength that was introduced from him to myself.

Obviously, there was my mother, who could've potentially initiated some sort of arrangement that fell perfectly into place.

The arrangement being, the first encounter between Kurapika and I.

The night we met, he showed up to the auction with means to retrieve what was his.

I was also sent to that auction that night, with means to retrieve what was his.

The contrast and differences when you switched the narratives between two people made so much sense, that it was almost frightening to face.

If my mother set up arrangements for me to work at Cane and Company, there was no doubt she knew Howard personally. Additionally, if Kurapika was the reason why I was became stronger like she originally suggested, she was most likely the one behind the reason I showed up to the auction in the first place.

When lurking the websites for her preceding occupations, the insight I gained, was the fact that she worked under these organizations for specific purposes rather than just for her own good. If she worked under Cane and Company -- an underworld organization that runs off of child labour, wouldn't it make sense if she worked under Kurapika's organization as well?

I have yet to ask him what the real business was behind the closed doors of bodyguards, but if we're being candid, it's obviously a mafia business that coincides with labour amongst a child.

Who is, or rather was the child? Only God knows.


"If you don't mind me asking, what's the line of work there?" I asked, curious about what they did. I hear a chair screech on the other line, assuming he was pulling out a chair to sit and get comfortable. "We are bodyguards. Though, that term is blatantly dead now that we no longer have anyone to, protect, if you will."


There it was right there. Kurapika and his colleagues were originally protecting someone as their line of work. There could be a few reasons as to why that is no longer the case, but either way, the business still wound up in his hands.


The blonde noticed the hurt I tried to hide and decided to break my emotion. "Even though I don't know your name, I do appreciate your gesture in helping me. I can always do this on my own if this doesn't suit your will. With the information that you have given me so far, it's handed over quite a bit of leads for my organization to follow."

With his mention of an organization, my expression soon turned to confusion. "My name is Y/N, and you work for an organization as well?" I asked.

He took a quick mental note of my name and answered my question. "I don't work for one, I lead one." The blonde stated, as my eyes widened. My mouth was held agape as I tried and conjure up what to say.

"B-but you're like my age... how are you leading an organization?" I asked, assuming he couldn't have been much older than me.

He cocked his head to the side and relieved my curiosity. "Bold of you to assume that I am around the same age as you, though you may be correct. I am 18, and I was given this organization precipitously for grounds that are none of anyones concern." He says.


He never ended up telling me exactly why the business was handed to him, and if it had anything to do with person they were initially protecting.

But regardless of those concerns, my mother is still in the midst of this, whether Kurapika was of it aware or not.

Yes, I told him that I suspected she could've lured us together, but that doesn't mean he believes me quite yet. I need tangible proof that she is behind this, I just don't know how to get my hands on it.

I fear that is the only way to get Kurapika to follow my lead. He trusts me, but that's all I can say for now.

Just because he trusts me, doesn't mean he is obligated to believe anything that I say. I even mentioned myself that it was just a gut feeling as to why I felt the way I did. Even so, I need to find a way to get my hands on some documents.

This only means one thing.

I have to return to Cane and Company.

I want to do this without the help of anyone else. I want to prove that I am not just making shit up for the sake of my own comfort. There's a dormant connection between Kurapika and my mother that I can't seem to make a placement for, but once I get my hands on any direct piece of evidence, I'll have all eyes and ears.


Authors Note: Hey cupcakesss💕. Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the other ones, I just needed something to publish because it has been far too long since I last posted. School and work was just taking a toll on my mental health so I lost motivation for a while, but I'm back!! <333

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