24 - His Childhood

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Walking the busy streets of York New somewhat felt nostalgic. It hasn't been done since I've changed my lifestyle.

When I met Lauri.

It was just Kurapika and I. We were walking, trying to brainstorm ideas before getting everyone else involved, because at the moment, we're the only two people who are truly involved.

I watch my feet switch from front to back, the sidewalk passing square by square.

"Ready when you are." I said, looking ahead of myself.

His grey eyes shifted to the source of the words. "Hm?" He hummed.

"Whenever you're comfortable with sharing your childhood, I'm ready as well." I turned my head to look in his direction. He had a small frown on his lips. The sun beamed on his blonde locks, making them appear a tad brighter than they are.

"Would you care to sit somewhere then?" He asks, as he looks around for nearby benches or seats that aren't already taken by bystanders.

In response, I just took his hand and lead him to this humongous tree that shaded the grass underneath.

"You want to sit here? But our clothes." Kurapika said, before I let go of his hand.

I shrugged my shoulders. "So I'm assuming your plan is to have someone help you apply sunburn cream to your body for the next week?"

"We have on clothing."

I gave him a blank stare as I slowly sat down. "Suit yourself. I just wouldn't want to ruin my eyes having to look up at you and things. But, whatever floats your boat, Kurapika." I frowned.

He only sighed before throwing his satchel down, and following it with his body. "Drama queen." He said under his breath.

"Wanna say that again?" I cupped my ear with my palm.

"My latest memories before the massacre...--" He began trying to search his thoughts for anything that occurred significantly beforehand. His head soon perked up and he met my eyes.

"--I had a very close friend back then. One who was very dear to me. We did everything together, and even had the same interests."

His face when talking about his late friend brung a smile to my face. He looked at peace when thinking about whoever this friend was.

"His name was Pairo."

He shifted a bit. One would assume that he was trying to get comfortable, but knowing the context of this situation, he was everything but that.

"To make a very long story short, I came very close to falling off of this cliff we lived near at the time. He saved me from falling, but hurt himself in the process."

"Hurt himself? How so?" I questioned, leaning closer to the blonde who was staring off into space.

"He injured both of his legs and went legally blind in the process, while I was the one left unscathed. I regret every moment during that time. I wish it were me tha-"

"Alright don't talk like that. I know you feel like it was your fault, but what else could have been done? It was either you or him, and luckily neither of you died at the time, so be grateful the outcome wasn't worse."

"He almost di-"

"But he didn't. Kurapika please don't start this hate train about yourself. I would really hate to see you beat yourself up about everything. Just continue with your story, tell me everything, feelings aside."

He gave me this look that asked me, 'Why does it matter?'. I saw him shift to proceed in order to press the issue, but he didn't bother because he remembered what I mentioned yesterday.

War of the Ruby [Kurapika x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now