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Read "Regret The Reject Now?" to understand the ending of this book a lot better. If you don't it will be haze for you. I will admit "Regret the Reject Now?" was poorly written but believe me when I say that plot was wonderful.

Hopefully you will enjoy this book way more better than the first.

People requested a sequel soon after the cliff hanger of the pervious book. Here it is.

This is original so please do not copy any theme of the book.

I am still figuring out who will play who. You will understand when you read

Enjoy xoxo




I never really knew fear. It wasn't something that I had come across of. I never feared myself or others. I knew how to defend myself if anything has to come down to something bad.

How do I come into terms with this? I didn't want this. I didn't want what I have. I can't even control my anger let alone thirst. Never did I ask for this. My grandfather Olaf, I never knew I had him as a grandfather.

He shows up at my house one day and tells me he is. Do I even believe him on his word. I don't but for some reason I had seen that he would do me no harm.

Why don't I feel that with Adam and Damon. I feel every emotion none to man but I feel like something bad will happen. Something in the pit of my stomach that I can't explain.

I am something that I never knew until now. Still trying to figure out if what I am is something to be happy about. Lilith oh my Lilith.

She turned into something in front of me. I never knew what she was until three weeks ago. Why is everything I ever knew back stabbing me. Everything that I ever teased about coming a reality. Am I dreaming?

I wish I was.

I'm Jade Edwards. A confused eighteen year old. With the biggest secret to everyone. I don't know if I like it.

If I like being....

A New Beginning (Regret The Reject Sequel) Where stories live. Discover now