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Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

!! smut warning, skip if uncomfortable.

pov. zavier

THERE WAS something about Kaiyo that made me unexplainably enraged.

Something about the way she carried herself like she knew everything that the world had to offer, everything that I had to offer.

She knew nothing. Nothing about this fucking school, nothing about Taechan, and certainly not jackshit about me.

I knew it was Kera and Mercel who told her. About my stepdad. Devon wouldn't even think about it if I told him to. That's how close we were. If I told him to jump he would. If I told him to crawl around like a fucking dog and lick shit off the floor, he would.

And I would equally do anything for him. It wasn't good, how deep our loyalty to each other laid, that would make whatever breaks us apart hurt even more. I didn't initially think anything would separate us, but then it happened with Taechan and I haven't been able to forgive him.

Sure, maybe Devon, Mercel, and Kera can all get over it. But it was different for them. Taechan never hurt them, he hurt me, which hurt them. So the second the wave of anger blows over, it's the rounds of forgiving someone who you were never in the position to be forgiving anyways.

My hatred for him continued to run deep as ever.

Knowing he had moved on to brainwashing Kaiyo made me hate him even more. I wanted to see Taechan's blood stream out of my tap water every time I thought of him. 

It wasn't fair, how easily he got everything he wanted. Not a struggle in his life except the consequences of his own fucking actions that led him here. And even then, teachers liked him, students liked him, and for some fucking reason Kaiyo liked him.

Now, standing here looking down at her, something about the anger that resided in her eyes thrilled me. I had stopped trying to excuse my feelings long ago. I didn't like her or even enjoy her presence, I just desired her. Something about her left me with a craving. And watching her get with Taechan time and time again made it even stronger.

I wanted something of my own for once. How is right for him to swoop in and take everything? I deserve to have a bit of his happiness, the same way he took mine.

I don't know what is triggering these emotions, whether it's Taechan or if it's Kaiyo herself.

But something about the way she looks at me, holding eye contact while I beg myself to not let stupid teenage hormones allow my own eyes to drift down a bit, was always so...

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