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Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

pov. kaiyo

I WANTED to kill someone.

"Yo, Zavier!" Whoever was on the door's opposite side pounded relentlessly against the wood. "Open up!"

Zavier's eyes flashed between the door and mine. A part of me was thankful for this distraction, as it definitely sprang some common sense and realization into me. Another part of me was pissed that it was the reason the boy on top of me had come to a complete stop before anything really started.

He pushed himself off of me and into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. Both hands reached up to his face as he tiredly rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What the fuck do you want?" He snapped.

I used this opportunity, to climb off of his bed, wandering over to my side of the room and tugging on my t-shirt. I felt disgusting, knowing how close I'd come to turning my back on my own fucking morals. But this is what I wanted, right?

Why else would I have invited Taechan over?

To piss him off, certainly. But wasn't there a hidden motive, as well?

I didn't want to think about it, so instead I grabbed a towel from the hook on the door and locked myself in the bathroom.

Zavier didn't say anything, just eyeing me as I closed the door behind me and then got up to answer whoever was at the door.

The last thing I heard before turning on the shower to full blast was a smack, an "ow", and a "what the fuck now, Devon?"

The water burned my skin, but I didn't hate it. I deserved this, I needed something to remind myself who I was. Whether that was a slap on the wrist or a scorching hot shower that made my limbs ache.

I was Kaiyo, for fucks sake! And Kaiyo doesn't let men shove her out of her own room and then nearly hate-fuck them as some sort of kind gesture after. Kaiyo doesn't follow rules she doesn't implement herself and she sure as hell doesn't work to appeal to and tease Zavier of all people.

I kept thinking about this until my body had adjusted to the heat and it was time to get out. By the time I had finished skincare and tying up my hair, the room was empty -- Zavier was completely missing. I used his absence as a chance to fall asleep before he returned and avoid any conversation.

I was the first to wake up the following day, and Zavier's form was still tucked away under his blankets. I needed to get out before he awoke, and it was the perfect time for a morning workout. Said no one ever, but working out was a distraction and an excuse to listen to music endlessly.

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