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There they were, sitting at the lunch table all lovey dovey and shit. He was touching all over her and all she was doing was laughing and smiling.
It made me cringe. The sight of it made me sick so I just turned away and continued to eat my cheese pizza.

"What up?" My bro Trey came up to me with a slize of pizza in his hand.

Trey was my bestfriend from the jump, he was always there to support me and be there by my side no matter what.

Yeah, he was crazy as fuck, but it didn't matter cause he was my homie since I could remember.

"Nothing man," I looked over at Jasmyn, she was now sitting by herself at the lunch table on her blackberry.

"Damn man you still hooked" he laughed

"Shutup, ain't nobody hooked.."

"Yeah, whatever.." He waved me off.

All of a sudden the bell rung and everybody headed out of the cafèteria and made there way to either their lockers or 4th period.

I walked down the hallway with my head down and my books on the side of me. I was a bit insecure about the way I looked and where I came from. People treated me like shit once I arrived here in 9th grade and that shit took a toll on me, so I started to take Effexor, depression pills. My mother thought it was best if I saw a therapist on a regular basis, that shit ain't work out. I didn't even have the strength to even walk in that lady's office. Around Junior year my deppresion started to get a little better when Trey started to motivate me and push me to do sports and activities to get my mind off of it. It seemed to work, but not all the way.
'Til this day my deppression and anxiety hasn't completely went away but it has gotten alot better.

Walking to my locker I placed my books and notes into it to get my Science book, which was 4th periods class.

"Hey, Chris" a beautiful and calm voice rang in my ear.

I quickly turned around to see Jasmyn.

"Hi" I mumbled looking down

"Um, can I borrow your math notes. I left mine at home and we have that test today."

I couldn't even believe that she was talking to me right now. Me.

"Yeah" I grabbed my notes out and handed to her.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver" she smiled.

A slight smile appeared on my face and quickly dissapeared once I heard his voice.

"The fuck goin' on over here?"

"Drew, calm do-"

"Nah Jas, this dude fuckin' witchu?"

"No" she shook her head.

"You messin' with my lady?"

"Nah" I glanced at him, ready to attack. I might have been insecure and had anxiety but I wasn't afraid to give this nigga an ass whooping.

"Mess wit her again, ya heard?"

I immediately pushed him into a locker and he got up and threw a hard blow to my face. I jerked back and grabbed my nose noticing that it was blood pouring onto the floor.

Jealousy.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora