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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. It's been hard to think of what to write about in these next chapters. I'm back on my good shit now so stay tuned. I hope you enjoy this, let's say 'interesting' chapter.



I splashed the cold water on my face and it woke me up much better. My face was beggining to look pale, not like my regular skin tone. I noticed that I also lost a lot of weight, I was struggling to keep my body right because I was deppressed.

I left the bathroom and headed down stairs. It was dark down here, but I heard a lot of noise so, being me, I had to check it out.

I trembled a little because I heard a whimpering sound. What the fuck I thought.

I reached for the nearest light and flicked it on, revealing Tyga, Chris and Trey beating a poor little man with a bat.

"Bitch, I told you to stay up stairs!" Trey threw the bat on the floor, walking up to me when Tyga immediately grabbed him back.

"Chill, Trey"

"Jasmyn," Chris looked at me sighing, "Go back to my room, I'll be up there in a minute"


"Go" he pointed up stairs.

I walked up stairs and once the light turned back off I looked back towards the living room, feeling sorry for the poor man.


"WHERE MY MONEY, BITCH!" Tyga spit on Devin while Trey beat him with a bat.

"Lil nigga don't got shit!" Trey said, while he continued to beat him.

Devin was a regular client, we would sell crack to him from time to time and he would always have our money, until he started borrowing shit from us swearing he would pay it back. This fucking crackhead didn't pay shit.

"Listen man-" Trey interruped him once again, smashing the bat into his stomach while he groaned.

I was mainly here because just incase he tried to pull some sneak shit, I had a gun in my pants to fire his ass.

"I got your money!"

"Where nigga! Fuck, I'm tired of y'all fucking crackheads taking shit from us! This ain't no fucking game, nigga!" Trey took all his anger out on this dude.

He continued to beat the living shit out of him, until he hit the bat on this man's skull, we had to pull him back.

"Alright, Trey. That's enough!" I tried to calm him down.

Devin was on the floor, skull cracked and everything.


I took Trey into the nearest room in my house while he was out of breath and pacing around.

I sat on the pool table in my game room and looked at the floor.

"What's ya problem, man?"

"What's my problem?!" He shouted.


"This nigga gon steal shit from us without paying a single dime back and I got a problem?!" He scoffed.

"You overreacting!"

"Nah nigga, you underreacting" he pushed me.

"Fuck man! You need help!"

"You need help! Mr. I-always-talk-about-other-people's-problem-and-don't-address-my-own."

"Man, I'm getting help! You going overboard man! I fuckin' swear you got more problems then me now, fam. I love you like a brother but you got to stop!"

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