Memory Loss

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"Want anything to drink?"

I shook my head no and continued to look at my feet.

The police officer sipped his coffee and sat down with a notebook and pen.

"Okay Ms. Moore, I am just going to ask you a couple of questions and you are free to go, understand?"

I nodded.

"Okay. So I have a report telling me that you was or are in danger. Can you tell me a little more about what happened in that condominium?"

"I- I was kidnapped"

"Can you tell me who kidnapped you?"

"Uh, uh" I started to doze off, I didn't know what was happening but it was odd. I started to feel dizzyness takeover my body while my eyes blacked out.

"Ms. Moore?" Officer Kanuver placed his hand on mine while I passed out.


Rubbing my eyes, trying to adjust them to this bright light shining in my face. I was laying on what seemed like a hospital bed. I lifted my head up and looked up at a woman.

"How are you feeling?" The woman asked.

"I'm okay, I guess"

I was confused as to why I was in here. What the fuck was happening?

"Do you remember anything?"

"Uh, not really. Why am I in a hospital?"

"Well, you were druged Ms. moore."


"Are you sure you don't remember anything?"

"Um. Not at all. What is going on?"

All of a sudden I heard the door opened and it was an police officer.


"Hi." I looked at the man.

"Are you feeling okay," he rubbed my back "Is she alright?" He turned to the nurse.

"Well, I'm not sure..."

"What do you mean?" He questioned while I laid my head down back on the hospital bed.

"She doesn't remember anything that happened." The nurse whispered while I was listening to their conversation.

"Jasmyn, you don't feel..." He paused "Off, do you?"

"A little, I guess"

I was nauseous as hell, I felt like I was about to throw up right in the middle of the floor. I was beyond faded and felt high as a kite.


I waited in the jail cell for what seemed like forever. These motherfuckers couldn't keep me in here for long, I had a plan. I had one of the best lawyers in Los Angeles and know one was going to believe whatever Jasmyn was telling them.

She was fucked up.

And what I mean by that was, I paid my bartender to drug her.

It didn't seem to work because I was trying to get her to do what I wanted her to do in my bedroom, but she ran off.

Right before I left the club, James, my bartender messed with her lemonade and now she probably faded as fuck, and don't remember shit that happened.

I smiled to myself as I laid on the cold jail bed.


I looked up at the cop and walked over to him.

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