Chapter XX - Ancient Artifacts

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"The days when we raged, we flew off the page

Such damage was done

But I made it through, 'cause somebody knew

I was meant for someone."

Cover Me Up

Morgan Wallen


Chapter XX - Ancient Artifacts


The professor's room was a maze of our history and everything that came after

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The professor's room was a maze of our history and everything that came after. I took the liberty of claiming any of my old things. I kept expecting to turn a corner and find that the old man was in the procession of Aslan's ashes or something else extreme. Maybe Phillip's eyeball in a jar.

"This place is a museum." Wesley gawked at every book, trinket, and weapon that he laid his eyes on. Even staring oddly long at a bedpan.

"It's not a museum, it's an active crime scene." I held a familiar sword in my hands, my thumb sliding over the Hood family crest engraved into the bottom. Out of all the Hood children, only Allie designed her own blade. "Everything here was stolen from the dead."

"My apologies, this must be terribly hard for you." Wes took a few steps away, forcing a straight face when searching the room. He attempted to hide his excitement when he found a book titled, The History of the Golden Ages.

Wesley flipped the book open softly, not wanting someone in the castle to find us. I scanned a few pages, reading the history of us. I should have flipped to an earlier page, not closer to the end. A part of me wished to remain ignorant of how our reign ended.

Allie had taken control of the country and did the best she could. The country broke the day we left, there wasn't much she could do. We lead as a family, all four of us taking on roles. One person doing it all was set up for failure. Even after her marriage treaty, there was not much of Narnia to save. I looped the sheath of her sword into my belt. Wes knew better than to question it.

"It's an interesting thing, to be broken up with through a history book." I shut the book, needing to focus on the delicacy of our future instead of the past.

Wes cringed at the thought. He had found one of my old crowns and was now wearing it. "You definitely take the prize for the worst breakup. Infidelity seems small with that perspective."

"How'd you find out?" I wondered. Wes was too dramatic of a person to avoid a simple breakup story.

He seemed to smile through the aggravation as he recalled the story. "Doorknob on the room broke. Guess who was the only blacksmith in town?"

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