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Kenzo pov

''Im going to slap him for taking away my guest''

''I have never seen him this way ''

''Look Pooky is drooling ''

I hear all their voices and all I want to do is throw a rock at their head , My chest moves, and I look down . She is laying on my chest and drooling all over her mouth, I take my hand and wipe her mouth slightly touching her lips . Her eyes open ''Pooky'' Silas runs to us but I turn us over so he is facing my back and she is in front of me.''Not cool Kenzo '' I flip him off and turn my attention to Nore ''how did you sleep'' she shoves her head back into my chest causing me to chuckle.

''Oh, goody now that your awake Kenzo let's have a chat'' Hazel walks into my view '' There's nothing to talk about '' she nods her head '' Well just to let you know El Kenzo locked Bacon out the room last night '' Nore lifts her head and stares at me ''You did what'' I try to talk but Nore gets up and goes ou the room. Im guessing to find that dumb pig.

''And just like that '' Hazel smirks ''You are an ass'' I grumble and get up ''Woah'' Silas covers his eyes ''What '' he spreads his fingers against his eyes and peeks ''Your wearing no shirt '' I roll my eyes and he starts to laugh.''Im hungry '' Silas whines '' You're always hungry'' Ashton said and Silas just walks out with us following him.

We get downstairs, and Nore is lying in Bacon's bed with bacon on her chest ''I dont think my parents would be happy if I brought a pig home, nor if they found out I stole one '' we hear her whisper or what she thought was a whisper. ''Nore, you're not taking my pig '' her face turns to shock, then her eye-catching smile. ''Come on, Pooky, we're going to get some breakfast '' Silas gets his keys and shoes on.

''How about you boys go and the girls stay here " Hazel hands Silas some money ''Im cool with that '' Ashton said staring at Hazel,I then turn to Nore ''Is that okay'' she nods and smile ''It would be a little surprise o and wait '' she sets Bacon down and runs upstairs. A few minutes later she comes back down and hands me a 50 dollar bill ''What is this '' she looks at the money and then at me ''Money '' the confusion clearly on her face ''Your not paying'' Before she could say anything I walk out the door ;

Elorenore Pov

It's been 40 minutes since the boys left and 20 since I took my meds, I hate having to take them I can already feel the effect it has on me . Hazel keeps telling me to focus on the story she is telling me but I can't, I feel the need to take a nap ''Hazel can I take a 15-minute nap '' She nods her head '' Go ahead I will be down here if you need me '' I thank her and head upstairs to the guest room. Once my head hits the pillow I was out.

Kenzo pov

''How much did you get for the damn girl '' I ignore Silas and park the car ''Lets go '' Ashton laughs ,we all step out the car and walk inside .''Pooky Keny got you the whole store'' Silas yells and I smack the back oof his head '' don't call me that'' .He puts his hands up ''Pooky" Silas calls again but there is no answer ''She is upstairs taking a nap'' Hazel takes her headphones out ''What room" I ask already on the fourth step ''Guest bedroom'' I nod and walk up ,I knock on the door and get no answer .I open the door and see Nore wrapped in a blanket ,I walk to her and sit on the bed .''Nore'' my hand rubs her cheek ,,she doesn't move ''Nore wake up '' I remove the covers but he doesn't move .

''Elorenore wake up '' my voice raises and i start to shake her but she doesn't move ''ELEONORE WAKE UP" My voice shakes and foot steps come running ''Kenzo what happened '' Hazel runs over ''she isn't waking up'' Hazel puts her finger on her Nores neck ''SILAS CALL 911'' SIlas grabs his phone while i hold Nore close to me ''Come on wake up .nore wake up'' I whisper gulping down the lump in my throat .

''We don't have time we have to take her '' Ashton says ''He is right '' I grab her close and run down stairs '' SILAS GET THE KEYS " Hazel opens the door and we all run out the door and into Silas car .''Step on it '' I shout and Ashton steps on it .''Come on this isnt funny Nore'' she just lays limp in my arms .

Its been 3 hours since we brought her to the hospital and no one has come out.When we first arrived I had Hazel call her parents and they rushed over here .They know as much as we do and that is nothing . We know nothing and its been 3 fucking hours ,3 hours since I seen her life less body and the image hurts .All i want ot do is bust into that room and find her awake .

''Are you the parents of Elornore ''

I hear her name and stand up and walk over to where her parents are ''Yes we are '' her dad says rubbing his wife's shoulders .''And you?'' the doctor looks at me ''Im h-her friend'' her parents look at me then back at the doctors ''Is she okay'' the Doctor looks down and my heart breaks ''NO" I fall to the ground ,my heart slowly breaks and i grip my chest ''no no this isn't real ..Nore come back to me '' my voice cracks .Not again no no .

''Its okay''Ashton tries to help but i shake my head no ''I need to leave '' I get out of Ashtons hold and start running out ''Kenzo '' I don't turn around ,i just keep running and running .The pain it hurts ,my eyes hurts and my chest it hurts .

Elornore Pov

''I love you '' I smile and give her a big hug ''I love you to grandma '' tears will up in her eyes ''You have overstayed your visit '' she jokes ,I look down at my hands and bite the inside of my cheek ''Look at me dear'' I shake my head no but she take my chin in her hand ''Elornore I love you so much and i would do anything to have you with me but know is not the time .You have family and friends who need you '' My lip quivers and tears start to come ''Grandma I love you so much '' she smiles and wipes the tears '' I love you dear forever'' .

I give her a hug ''Now sweetie go home to your parents and that boy '' I let go and stare ''Don't think i cant see you from up here ,I know everything. Oh and listen to your mother no sexing '' I giggle '' Never grandma that's gross'' she smiles . ''Now Elornore stop stalling '' She knows me too well ''Ok i will but I love you so much '' She pulls me into a hug ''Just close your eyes and listen to my voice '' .

''Elorenore wake ''

I feel the uncomfortable bed im laying on and hear the snoring ,that's all it takes for me to know im back .I open my eyes and look around ''Keny'' I call out but no one answers .That's quite mean to leave me alone and in the dark ,I remove all the wires and stand up .My vision gets a little blurry so i grab the bed and take a breath ..in and out I repeat .

Once my breathing gets handles I walk to the door and open it ,I'm walking towards the waiting room and hear familiar voices ''Has she woken up yet'' another voice replies ''No '' .I frown and open the door blocking me from the waiting room ''But i'm right here '' .Everyone looks at me in shock then realize ''POOKY" SIlas runs to me ''SHUT UP SILAS" Silas runs to me and hugs me ''I missed you'' he kisses my cheek '' I missed you to'' .

After giving hugs to the rest of them I stand in front of mr.grumpy pants but I can't help but notice his face ,his eyes are puffy and his cheeks are red .''Keny'' I whisper but he doesn't open his eye '' SIlas i swear i will break your nose if you keep playing with me '' ''You will do no such thing ,that's so mean'' I fold my arms over my chest ,

His eyes burst open ,they are bloodshot ''N-nore'' I give him a smile ''Thats me '' He stands up and gently grabs my waist and pulls me into his chest ''It's really you" he touches the back of my head .''Im here '' I hug him back just as tight . 


I promise the next chapter will be happier 

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