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A little surprise at the end


''Can we please just talk '' I look up from my paper ''Yeah'' I stand up and walk out with him,I was in the library studying for a math exam coming up next week . ''Listen I'm sorry '' I look him in the eyes ''I forgive you '' he goes to say something but I continue .

''Why though '' I move my hands behind my back and look down ,he sighs ''I did it because she said she had something on you .Like some old photos .''My head shoots up ''w-what photos'' he grabs his phone and shows me 'h-how did you get those '' .

That was the old me when I had a relapse.I was in a bad place then but I'm better now .''Dont worry no one else has seen them ''Kenzo assures me but i can't be so sure ''can you delete them of your phone please '' he nods and shows me he deleted them .

''All gone '' he smiles ''Nore i'm sorry I let her torment you I just thought that if these photos got out it would be worse .Im so sorry '' I wrap my arms around him and shove my face into his chest ''I forgive you Keny'' he wraps his arms around me and we stand in the middle of the hall just taking in each other.

After school I went with Keny to Silas and Hazel place,Keny told me they made up and we all cool .

''You know they're going to be so happy'' Kenzo looks at me ''I know and I'm sorry I haven't been hanging out with you guys, it's just that I have a lot going on? I don't know .

I didn't even open my own door because it was ripped off ''POOKY" Silas unbuckles my seat belt and lifts me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist ''I missed you so much '' . I giggle ''I missed you to '' I snuggle into him .

''Where my best friend '' Hazel runs out the house with rope round her waist ''What happened to you '' Silas lets me go and I run to Hazel .

''Silas he tied me to a chair so he could see you first '' Hazel spills .I turn my head in Silas direction ''Silas '' he slowly moves behind Kenzo ''Yes Pooky '' I shake my head and turn around to give Hazel a big hug .

''I missed you '' Hazel squeezes me tighter ''I missed you too '' .

After we all hug and I scold Silas for being a meany head we all go inside and sit in the living room ,''Baby'' I rush over to the little piggy i missed so much . ''Silas and Hazel who is in my house '' I see a older  woman and man .

''Grandma this is Elornore our friend '' Hazel introduces me ''Hello ma'am and sir '' ,I go to shake their hand but they pull me into a hug ''Oh '' I smile .''Hi sweetie call me rein and this fluffy man call him juin'' I nod my head .

''So what are you kids up to '' Mrs.rein asked ''Grandma, do you think they could stay the night? Silas asked on his knees . ''Boy if you don't get up '' Mr.Juin scolds.

''I guess but dont be to loud your grandpa has work tomorrow '' Silas shouts' 'yes' ''I promise we won't '' Rein smiles ''it wa nice meeting you sweetie '' I say you to and watch them walk out of the living room.

''Where is Ashton? '' I ask and see Hazel's face form into a sad one ''He is out of town for a few days '' Kenzo answers . I nod my head and go back to cuddling with the pig.

''We should go to the movies ''

''We should ''

We all get up and get ready to go to the movies ''I have to check in with my parents real quick '' I open my phone and text them just to let them know where i am .I still haven't forgave my parents for lying to me .What they done is unforgivable .

''Ready?'' I nod my head and we all walk towards Kenzos car ''I call sitting next to Pooky at the movies '' I smile....''I hate this ''


Could you not eat all the popcorn fatty'' Hazel snatches the popcorn from Silas ''Listen you're just jealous I have an ass and you dont'' I just love my friends. We decided to watch minions and we are 20 minutes in but i really have to pee .

''I will be right back ''I whisper to them ''Where you going '' I missed Kenzo ''I'm going to the restroom'' Kenzo gets up ''I have to go to '' .I take his hand and lead him through the dark movies room ,and let go when we get to the door leading out .

''I will be super quick '' Kenzo nods and we walk into our designated bathrooms.I finish up pretty quickly because I don't want to miss too much of the movie. I walk out the door and see Kenzo leaning against the wall on his phone . ''FInished" he turns his phone off and we start to walk back .

''You know I didn't eat a pack of gummies for a whole day '' I stir up ''No'' he gasped ''Yeah so buddy don't do it again because that hurts '' He shakes his head and chuckles.

''Wait till she finds out ''

''If you say anything I will end you ''

I stop mid-walk and freeze ,I think Kenzo froze to ''Is that ?'' I questioned and looked around the corner .


''Charlet ''

Izek and the brunet girl now known as charlet are making out ,but stopped when they heard our voices .


''Elornore ''

''Kenzo ''

This can't be happening right now ,I shake my head ''Why ?'' Charlet has a smirk ''Well the cats out of the bag '' Izek walks towards me but Kenzo pulls me behind him . ''Oh what is Kenzo going to do .You didnt stand up for her when she was getting beat in the bathroom or when she would be called names'' .Kenzo tensed and I grab his hand ''Elornore come out you know i'm the one for you not this piece of shit''.

''Come on you really thought that someone could like you '' Charlet taunts me ''No one can love an ugly no body .Plus once everyone sees those photos you really will be a nobody ''

I look towards Izek and see nothing but a Smirk on his face .

''Did you really think I wanted you.If you did you really are Evan sister because he is just as oblivious as you .You were so easy to control ,so easy to get inside that little head of yours.Did you tell Kenzo how good our kiss was?''

Kenzo turns to look at me ,hurt flashes through his eyes .

''I'm guessing you didn't ,so i will tell you how it went .your little Nore actually went in for it .I was surprised but you do have nice lips'' I can't hear anymore of this ''Can you just leave me alone '' I don't look up

''Oh come on Elornore look me in the eyes and tell me you want me to leave you alone '' .

I didnt want this side to ever come out again ''Kenzo can you move '' I look at him ''oh look like barbie druggy thinks she is going to do something '' Charlet sneers . Just then Kenzo moves over and I walk towards the two people ''You really think you can d-'' I swing my fist across Charlets face ,she falls back but what no one knows is when I start I can't stop.

I keep swinging and swinging and I feel nothing ,no pain ,no heart ache ,nothing . ''Nore'' light whispers are heard but I can't stop . ''Nore'' the feeling of touch brings me back .I stop mid fist in the air and look down.Charlet is coughing and her face is covered in blood .

''Oh no '' I quickly stand up and run out of the theater ,once I get far away I reach my phone and dial the only number that can help . ''Hello'' .

''Zoelin I need you again ''

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