Jercico mpreg 2

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Today was the day. Today we would find out the genders of the twins. Will was doing the ultrasound right now as I held Percy and Jason's hands. "Okay you guys are gonna have twin...girls!" He said. I smiled as Percy and Jason whooped and hollered. I smiled and put my hands on my stomach. "two baby girls" I whispered. My two boyfriends kissed each of my cheeks and I smiled. We were soon able to go home. We were laying on the bed thinking of names. "What about...Caleum?" Jason asked. I smiled "Jason that's a good idea" I said. "Now we need one more name" I said. Percy smiled "what about...Willow?" He said. Me and Jason smiled "Percy that's a beautiful name" Jason said. I smiled and put my hands on my stomach "little baby Willow and little baby Caleum. Perfect"

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