Fem!nico part two

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Nichola looked at the two boys. Percy was first to react, running over and hugging her tightly, followed back Jason.

"Nikki we've missed you!" Percy said as Nichola blushed, trying to fight down the butterflies in her stomach.

"Yeah! You've gotten so tall! And your so...grown up" Jason said as Percy and him set her down. She fixed her hair and glared at the two boys, trying hard to ignore her crush on the two. Percy smirked at her.

"You know...me and Jason-"

"Jason and I" Nichola corrected Percy. Jason chuckled as Percy rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, Jason and I have missed you a lot. Like a lot a lot" he said. Jason nodded.

"Yeah we have" Jason said as Percy and him moved closer to Nichola until she was cornered. She blushed.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her chocolate brown eyes looking at their blue and sea green eyes.

Percy and Jason smirked then Percy blushed as he kissed Nichola softly. Nichola blushed and stayed still as Jason wrapped his arms around her from behind and started kissing her neck. She slowly started kissing back and sighed happily. Soon to pulled back and Nichola blushed and looked at the two boys.

"So you guys like me?" She asked.

"No.we love you" they said as they hugged her.

"Would you like to...ya know. Be our girlfriend?" Jason asked. Nichola blushed.

"That would be lovely"

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