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Nico wasn't an athlete. It was clear to him, the kids at camp, and his two boyfriends. So as Nico sat on the bleachers, waiting for the game to start he saw Jason and Percy making their way towards him.

"Hey baby" Jason said and kissed his cheek, Percy in suit.

"You guys ready for the game?" Nico asked, having an umbrella over him. He was still healing from transporting the Athena parthenos. ((I'm sorry I think I spelt that wrong))
Jason smiled and nodded. Percy saying,

"Hell yeah!" Causing his boyfriends to laugh. Jason and Percy hustled down to join Frank in the camp football game.

And with the way they looked in those pants, Nico just might become an athlete.

Once again I'm sorry for taking so long and being such a shitty writer

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