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Callie loved blackmail. And she knew just who to blackmail. Willow. She had a couple things on Willow. Callie walked into the hades cabin. "Hey Willow I wanna ask you a question" Willow looked up at her and looked back down at her book. Callie growled and slapped Willow hard. Willow fell on the ground and looked up at Callie. "Okay so about what I need you to do. You need to go to Arizona and kill a girl named hope" Callie said. "No" Willow whispered. Callie smirked and crouched next to Willow "if you don't do it I'll tell your little girlfriend everything" willow's eyes widened as she looked at Callie. Callie smirked "that's what I thought. Now go kill the girl" Willow stood up shakily. "W-why?" She asked quietly. Callie punched her in the face. "No questions!" She yelled. Willow then shadow traveled away. Once she was done she shadow a traveled back with blood on her body. Blood that was not hers. Callie saw this and smirked. "Good job very good job" she said. Willow stared at the ground and thought about what she just did. Callie lifted willow's chin. "I have some other things for you to do. Come now we don't wanna be late" she said. Willow stayed still. Callie growled. "If you don't come with me I will tell Taz everything" Willow followed Callie to the middle of the forests where she saw her daddy. "Kill him" Callie said. "No" Willow whispered. Callie smirked "don't worry he's not even real. He's a copy" Callie said as she walked over and brought out more of the replicas of Percy grace Jackson Di Angelo. Willow looked at Callie with horror. "He's my dad! I-I can't do this" she said. Callie clicked her tongue. Willow slowly took out her dagger and attacks the first one. She had no trouble. Callie smirked. "Okay enough for today. We'll pick this up tomorrow" she said as she walked away. Willow dropped to her knees.
Voices in her head said. She looked around. "Wh-who said that?" She whispered.
'It was us. The voices in your head. We live here from now on.'

She clutched her head "no"
'Yes. We are here to stay. We work with killers and liars like you."


'But why? Why worry about what Callie tells Taz? She doesn't love you anyway. Nobody does. Your all alone. Don't you see? No one is there for you. Nobody cares. See that cliff over there? Yeah that one. Why don't you go jump off it. Nobody would miss you. Nobody would even notice your gone.'


'Go one. Jump'

"STOP" she yelled as she ran away from the cliff while clutching her head.

'We will be here forever. Forever in your mind. For we are the voices. That will let your remember what you did'

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