Jercico mpreg

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*Nico pov*
"Hey guys I'm going to the infirmary" I said. My two boyfriends ran too me "why what's wrong?!" Jason asked. "Well only one of the girls seem too kick." I said. Percy looks at my very swollen stomach . "Only one?" I nod my head "yeah" I say as I get up. They each take one of my hands "okay let's go" Jason says. We soon get to the infirmary and will starts an ultrasound. "Well there's one of the girls" he says as he points to the screen "but where's the other?" I start to worry. Will moves the ultrasound tool up some more and then sighs in relief. " okay there she is" he says as he points to the baby in the far upper corner of my stomach. "Why is she up there?" Percy asks. "I don't know. Sometimes they do that. But why wouldn't she kick?" He says. Jason and Percy squeeze my hands and I squeeze back. Will continues to look at the twins then stops the ultrasound. "Well there both healthy. I don't understand why that one won't kick but they are okay." He says. I nod my head and get up. We soon head back to the cabin. I look at the nursery that Percy and Jason made a while ago and smile. We then soon go back to sleep.

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