🚨🚔 Titan Discord got Leaked 🚔🚨

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(Incredibly sad music starts playing)

Creator (discord server owner) sends warning that the group chat was leaked as 12 Swat bust down his door and haul his ass into the squad car

Fallen King (the racist one) is walking down the street when he is surrounded by squad cars and surrenders himself to law enforcement

Molten (edgy one) is confronted on a road and he pretends to surrender before pulling his scythe out

Gravedigger (meme sender) hears his door being busted down and hops out a window. He runs to the woods but drips over a root. When he turns over he's met with guns & flashlights pointed in his face.

Void Reaver (dude with gay porn on his phone) is being carted off by 5 US Marshals into Federal Prison

Umbra (the war criminal) is sitting at her desk before swat burst through her windows and smash her head on the desk. She demands she speak to her lawyer as she flares her legs around.

Ducky Doom (dude who's in there because of his friend) gets the ping and tries to leave through his door but when he opens the door he is greeted by Police with assault rifles pointed at his face.

Fallen Sword Master (the guy who deserves 50 years in prison for the shit he says)
runs from the building he's in but surrenders when 17 Officers point their guns at him. He gets on his knees with arms behind his head as the officers get the handcuffs.

Frost spirit (the most normal one) sits on the curb of her house waiting for the cops to arrive. When a Squad car pulls up she puts her hands up.

Gatekeeper (dude who steals shit from stores and posts it on the server) is crying his ass off in the back of a police van

Gold Titan (homophobic dude) gets his eye pepper sprayed and dragged by the legs out of his house

Gravekeeper (the moderator) is being hauled through the police station as he Denys ever having pictures of dicks on his PC

Ducky dooms son (the head admin) is trying to delete everything before it gets used in court.

Gunslinger (nitro scammer) runs through an ally way before being hit in the face by a cop hiding behind a wall

Jack'o bot (ip grabber) gets his ip leaked and hides in his closet as he hears cops bust through his window

Jaxe (shit talker) gets hit by a stun gun in the face and starts violently shake on the ground

Krampus (tax evader) is getting a mugshot taken

Lord Sinister (drug dealer) is trying to bribe the officers with money if they let him go. They deny it and he loses his shit.

Lunar Servant (the e-girl) is being interrogated by cops. She denies everything and She's arrested for obstruction of justice.

Nuclear Fallen King (the domestic terrorist) is threatening the Swat who are dragging his ass to federal prison.

Nuclear monster (Thug shaker 🥵) starts fist fighting one of the officers as they try to subdue him

Penumbras (the down bad dude) is being hauled out of his apartment as the cops grab his computer. He screams out that he knows nothing about "ExtremelyHotTitanGirls.hub".

Raider boss (illegal gun owner) is in a shootout with police as he's being overrun. He decides to drop his gun and surrender.

Ripped elf (the Male Prostitute) is beating the shit out of the officers sent to arrest him

Solar servant (the loyal one) is keeping his mouth shut as he insults the police interrogating him. He's arrested for resisting arrest.

Swamp monster (the one who didn't get the ping) is being tackled by law enforcement as he tries to squirm free

Wox the Fox (the dude who pirates movies) is clearing his search history as fast as he can before the cops arrive

Mechanical Rot (dude who got away) is gearing up to break his homies out.

Creator depressingly trudges through the prison before turning a corner to his new cell. When he looks inside he loses his shit when he sees all his friends inside. They all start cheering and celebrating. "Aye! AYE!! AYEEEEEE!!!" They all shouted, jumping from the hype.

Federal prison isn't fun unless the whole squad is together.

Moral of the story: fbi can never separate the homies
(Inspired by me & my friends discord server being leaked)

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