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A knock on the door woke me up from a dream that made me feel like I had experiencing it in real life. My cloth is all wet because of my tear. Yes for all who didn't know vampire do cry and tear up. Not like underwater creature call Merpeople aka Mermaid and Merman.Crying is a curse to them.

Come in!! 

I said with the calm voice. The door are open and reviled my two beautiful twin brother who is standing in front of the door. I stand up and hug them.

Without me realize my tear are running down again.

"Aww.. Hyung, why are you crying" said Jimin and wipe out my tear using his handkerchief.

"I'm not crying, I'm just happy. Look at both of you, you have grown up. If Mother and Father are still alive.. They are really proud of both of you.."

"Erm.. Both of you need to be prepared. The selection ceremony for the first year students are about to begin. It doesn't matter if it flurries, Quarries, Aquarries or flarries both of you are always be my brother.

"Hyung can you tell us what the different between those name." Asked Teayung

"Those name will determine your nature ability to control elements of nature source."

"There is 4 type of nature source element that you will learn. But, you must master your elemental representative before you graduate from this school."

"FLURRIES is representative for Air/wind. QUARRIES is representative for Earth/mother nature. AQUARRIES for water/liquid last one is FLARRIES it representative for fire."

"Fire and water have a special bonding call YING and YANG."

"Ying, is the cold element of balance. While Yang, is the hot element of balance. In nature, it was control by Ying and Yang. But inside creatures form it was control by our Mana."

"Ying and Yang is an old century concept of elemental most of creatures now days already forget that ying and yang still existed."

"Why??" asked jimin.

"Because the concept of Ying and Yang was popularize by Emperor Lizang from the kingdom of Chinie nowadays known as Eastern kingdom."

"Emperor Lizang live in the 5th century. We become modernize century since 15th century. Now is 21st century, during the period of the modernization era new elemental were found. So the practice and concept of Ying and Yang was long forgotten. But lucky for us We are born from Eastern kingdom, it still have a lot of book and manuscript that was well preserve until nowadays."

"Let back to the track, we shall get going now. Both of you go first, I will follow after changing my clothes." I said to

End pov..

Grand Hall.. 🏛️🏛️

Once the door to the grand hall are open, the hall look so stunning, at the front of the hall there is four stand. First stand are white in color and cover by cloud. The second stand are blackish brown with the plant growing around the stand. Third stand are bluish white color with icey Thorn around it and the last one red in color and symbol fire at the front of the stand.

Suddenly A woman appear out from nowhere. All of the students giving her applause.

"Selecting ceremony for first year students of Vladmir Acc Academy will begin. When I call your name, come up here and put your hand near to this stand and it will selected your element of nature.

Blood Eclipse {The Series}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن