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My eyes goes from Sofia who is sitting beside me in the car to Luca who is sitting in the passenger seat and finally settling on Arthur who is driving the car.

When they got to know that I have to go to my old apartment in order to get my things and essentials, all of them got protective even though I'm elder than Sofia and Luca.

Much to my luck, Arthur had to be there the time I said I'm going to my old apartment. Now I'm sitting with these three in a car with one other car following us to make sure everything is okay and be ready in unexpected situations.

Mia wanted to come along with us but she had school which she was not missing at any cost. Though I know she doesn't focus in class, her attendance is very bad and she may have to repeat the year if she takes any more holidays.

Deja vu hits me the moment we are driving by the place the kidnapping took place at. Feeling a hand on mine, I glance down and see Sofia's hand. She probably knows. I place my hand on hers and smile softly to let her know I'm alright.

But Sofia can see through me like I'm transparent so she doesn't buy it.

In the passenger seat, Luca tries to connect his phone to the car so he can play songs because according to him the songs the radio channel was playing were--and I quote--'Too boring and old to vibe to.'

I did not bother telling him that the channel playing was of classical and old songs. Now it's been five minutes since he has been trying to connect his phone to the car and it's kinda funny as well. At least it has been taking my mind off everything that's going on.

The plan of my escape is all done. The only thing I'm worried about is Arthur and how he would or might feel betrayed. All he'd think was I didn't feel safe enough to come to him with this problem but he would be wrong.

Well I'm also worried about me getting caught but I have a solid plan, or at least that is what I'd like to believe.

Calculating all possibilities is the only thing that will save me from getting caught. I will need to be at least ten steps ahead of everyone.

"Yes fucking finally!" Luca yells in the car when the phone finally get's connected. Arthur ignores Luca and Sofia laughs.

The phone buzzes in my hand indicating I got a notification.

As much as I want to ignore it right now, I simply cannot. It may be something important, maybe an important mail from one of my sensible clients or it may be Mia texting me needing my help with something.

But it's neither of that.

It's a random notification from the News app.

My gaze goes out the window just as I see a bakery come closer.

"Stop, stop," I rush out and the car abruptly stops.

"What's wrong?" Arthur asks in a panicked voice. Him and Luca takes out their guns and I feel stupid suddenly.

"Amanda's bakery," I say in a small voice like a kid in trouble.

Arthur's hard eyes soften immediately and a confused expression takes place on Luca's place.

Everyone unbuckles their belts the moment Arthur parks the car and we all get out of the car, going towards Amanda's bakery.

Amanda's bakery is owned by one of the sweetest people I have met on this godforsaken planet. It was the day my boyfriend had broken up with me. I was roaming around the street angrily and breaking down from time to time. That's when I had stumbled across Amanda's.

Since then it had became one of my absolute favourite place to visit and a place to escape to from home or my apartment when needed.

The bell on the door rings when we enter the bakery, the heavenly smell of the goods hits me. It's a pretty small bakery. It's dimly lit but thats the aesthetic and the vibe of the place, certainly the main thing that attracted me here.

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