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The silence in the whole mansion was sinister. It seemed like the whole place was sleeping except for the duo who were about to play the game of hide and seek. The darkness pushed its heavy weight on Pete as his eyes darted around, taking in the dark insides of the mansion.

"Hide anywhere you want and I'll find you within 15 minutes," Vegas announced with a firm tone.

Fear of the unknown overwhelmed Pete as his eyes flashed around, trying to spot any place he could hide. This game to him was a matter of life and death and he wasn't willing to die now.

"Find a place to hide while I count to 20. The game starts now!"

"1... 2... 3..."

Pete pressed his hands against his face, his fingers resting against the skin above his eyebrows. The sides of his thumbs against his cheeks. His hands were trembling against his face as he tried to find a good place to hide.

"7... 8... 9..."

Pete groped around the room as he tried to locate the stairs. He immediately felt relieved when he did. He listened carefully to the count and nervously started climbing up, the sound of the mafia's voice increasing the beating of his terrified heart.

"13... 14... 15..."

Reaching the peak of the stairs, Pete made a wrong turn and a solid wall blocked his way. He would have broken his skull had he not reacted fast. Damn this wall! He groaned internally. He slid away from the wall, trying to make out possible doors he could enter in the dark.

"18... 19... 20..."

"I can hear you, Pete. I'll find you soon enough." Vegas announced, a sinister smirk making its way onto his lips. The idea of hunting Pete down excited him to no end. He started searching downstairs first for his prey.

Pete could hear the thud of his predator's footsteps and tried his possible best not to make a sound to avoid getting caught. He needed to win this. Vegas on the other hand was humming an impeccably dark tune that was effortlessly sending shivers down Pete's spine.

What on earth is he humming? Is he a serial killer by any chance? Ugh... I should have looked carefully before approaching him at the bridge years ago. Appearance is Indeed deceptive. Pete couldn't help his thoughts. Vegas was too frightening.

He encouraged himself he could do this. He could make it through the hallway with numerous doors and try to find a suitable place to hide. Who was he kidding? He was freaking out. The idea of becoming Vegas' toy because of some debt he cleared was churning his stomach. He nervously approached a door at the far end of the hallway, hoping he'd find a place to hide till the time for the game elapsed.

He finally made it to the door and cautiously looked back to make sure Vegas wasn't behind him by any chance. Biting his lip, he slowly turned the door nob and entered the room. The room was insanely huge but there was no time for Pete to take in his surrounding.

Pete could see quite well this time around thanks to the open window. He noticed the bed and it hit him. Should I hide under the bed? Long pause... No, that's stupid. He will find me if I hid there. Looking to his left, he noticed something and decided to walk toward it. Each step he took, tugged him further into the darkness and farther away from the little light coming from the opened window.

It was a door. Pete tried to desperately push it but it wouldn't budge. He looked around desperately, in need of a place to hide, and suddenly, he found a button and thought it could be useful. He keyed in whatever came to mind and there came an inscription that read, "open the door." He did immediately and it creaked open.

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