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Adrienne jolted awake at the sounds of pounding against her bedroom door followed by the screeches of her mother yelling at her to wake up.

"Adrienne! You're going to walk if you don't get up this second!" Her mother pleaded at the door.

"I'm awake." She groaned forcing herself to wake up and at least look decent instead of feeling shitty all day.

Adrienne managed to throw on a plain black off the shoulder shirt with a comfortable pair of leggings with a short light blue jean jacket to keep herself warm, followed with a classic black and white pair of converse. She quickly brushed through the waves of her dirty blonde hair that fell just below her chest. Adrienne stop for a moment to stare at herself in the mirror, stretching the features of her swollen eyes and cheeks from crying all night, with a sigh she quickly dabbed some foundation powder onto her face to make her look less broken then what she truly did feel.

She admired herself her mirror, watching how something so simple made her feel better about not trying instead of having to impress her friends and what used to be Steve. The simplicity made Adrienne feel good about not having to pretend, as much as she enjoyed the attention deep down it bothered her at the fact you need to try so hard.

"Come look at how cute out brother looks Adrienne." Johnathans voice muffled from behind her door, she quickly threw her backpack over her shoulder and made her way towards the living room to see Will with a irritated look on his face as their mother kept taking photos, Adrienne glanced at Johnathan who was holding in his laughter with his fist.

"Okay, Okay! Mom! That's enough pictures." Will groaned pushing the angle of the camera down to the floor.

"What? I want to cherish the moments, you're my last baby." Her mother—Joyce quickly pulled Will into her arms squeezing him tight before dropping her hands to his shoulders. "You guys are gonna be late, go come on now, oh but also Wills going to bike home with his friends today so don't worry about picking him up you two!" The two older siblings nodded in agreement before exiting out the door.

Will, Adrienne, and Johnathan hugged their mom goodbye as she watched them leave out the door calling them back for a hug, they piled themselves into Johnathan's car as he pulled out of their driveway driving towards Hawkins High.


Will was the first one to spill out and jogged towards the middle school. Adrienne on the other hand sat in the passenger seat bouncing her leg up and down with anticipation to calm her nerves on seeing Steve once again.

"Hey, you're going to be fine, I'm sure nothing bad's gonna happen, just go and do your thing like you always do." Johnathan reassuringly said with a warm smile.

"If-If I need you you'll be in the photography room right?" Adrienne stuttered glancing over to her twin.

"Always." He smiled and nodded as he watched Adrienne open the car door, watching her walk towards her 3 friends who were impatiently waiting for.

"O-M-G major gossip, Stacy Richardson called me last night and told me everything about Billy and how he's a god at everything he does to a girl in bed." Vicki squealed as Adrienne walked up to the group that was missing Carol.

"Okay gross that's not how I wanted to start my morning." Adrienne distastefully shuddered at what had just came out of Vicki's mouth.

"Byers! Just the girl I wanted to see." A irritating but familiar voice flooded Adrienne's ears as she slow turned on her heels to see Tommy Hagan smirking at her with Carol around his arm.

"Yes Hagan?" Adrienne forced a smile at him as his smirk grew wider.

"So you found out huh?" His voice sounded proud and happy.

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