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"Get the fuck away from me."  Adrienne hissed at him, her chest heaving in the cold November air. "You don't get to do that. You don't get to decide when you want to love me at your convenience."

"It's not at anyone's convenience Adrienne. You know that."

"Do I? Because it feels like I don't know who the fuck you are anymore Billy." Adrienne scoffed, throwing her arms up into the air.

"Stop talking Adrienne."  Billy spat at her, his voice low and quiet, jaw tightened.

"Stop talking? Oh sorry that I FINALLY get to have a conversation with my BOYFRIEND that I haven't seen in a week because he's been fucking partying and hungover at every fucking second of the day."  Adrienne practically snarled at him, turning herself to walk away from the conversation out her dorm.

"You better watch the fuck comes out of your mouth next." Billy stormed after her, using the length of his arm to hold the door shut, hovering over her to quickly to use his large frame to back her up into the door of her dorm.

Silence. Their anger begging to be released. Chests heaving, nostrils flared, jaws clenched, fists balled. Eyes glistening with hot tears in Adrienne's eyes as she looked into his now dull angry blue ones. It wasn't the eyes she was used to. They weren't the dilated pupils she was used to when he looked at her. They were gone.

"Do you love me." Adrienne asked him, her throat beginning to burn as the build up of worry tightened around her neck.

"Don't ask stupid questions right now Adrienne." Billy scoffed, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

"Do. You. Love. Me." She repeated a more shaky tone in her voice. Billy fell silent, his eyes looking into her, every feature of her saddened state he took in, remembering every feature of hers.

He didn't deserve her. He knew that. Especially with how he's been disregarding her and paying attention to other distractions around him. He didn't know why and he hated how he's been hurting her.

She didn't deserve it.

That's why it killed him for what he was doing to her.

Billy leaned down to clash his lips into Adrienne's, lips he hadn't kissed for a week. Lips he didn't want anyone else to taste. Instantly both melting into it, it was so easy, everything was so easy for them.
But why didn't it feel so easy.

Poking at her bottom lip with his tongue for entrance, letting him in to wrap their tongues together to explore each other that felt like forever. Tears rolling down Adrienne's cheek as she pushed him away from her, departing their lips from each other that practically whined to connect again.

"You deserve better." Billy whispered pushing his forehead against hers, sharing a shaky breath before tears fell between them both.


A/N : I am not responsible for anyone's feelings in this book 🙄

Dropping soon 🫣

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