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Adrienne would definitely not want to admit the fact she enjoyed her slightly horrible small accidental night with Billy, she couldn't believe how much she truly did
favor spending time with him. Almost if the bitterness of her never-ending torture that felt like her life, he eased the feeling within her, soon she seemed as if she wanted to spend all her time with Billy—no matter the occasion.

Billy definitely purposely offered to check on Adrienne without a doubt. Even if he wasn't the greatest person at "comforting a girl when they're crying" he wanted to at least attempt to. He knew his father was out of line for his comment, especially pushing for an answer, he hated his father for not only once making Adrienne upset, but twice— with his encounter of his presence while Adrienne hid in his closet.

When he approached her to find her sitting there with her face completely covered in embarrassment, he had a slight idea of how to approach this, but when he got a glimpse at her broken tear filled eyes and her stained cheeks upon the crevasse of her cheek bones displayed tears, his heart dropped to the deep pit of his stomach, not knowing what he can possibly do to fix this.

Yet, somehow it worked out, ending their encounter with a kiss that was filled with ecstasy of their emotions, a soft gentle kiss that was alluring, especially at a time and weird place their "relationship" was at.


Billy's deep slumber was interrupted by no one other then what he thought was Max on a Sunday afternoon, sure enough wanting to bug him for a ride somewhere. He groaned and stretched on his bed before getting up to swing open his bedroom door.

"Either this house better be on fire or something important because you know how I feel about being woken up shirtbird." Billy lowly growled at Max rubbing his face to keep himself awake before realizing it wasn't Max who was at his bedroom door.

"Morning sunshine." Adrienne smiled and patted on his bare chest before sliding passed him to sit on his bed. "Might wanna put on clothes since we have plans in about 20 minutes."

"Why are you here at 11:30o?" Billy asked with a puzzled look, shutting his door shut.

"I'm hungry and wanted to go to the drive in and believe it or not figured YOU were hungry and wanted to tag along." Adrienne shrugged as Billy laid beside her in nothing but his tight black boxers that Adrienne couldn't help but let her eyes wander.

"Are you asking me on a date princess?" Billy snickered looking up at Adrienne.

"No, because I'm forcing you to go, not asking you too, there's a difference princess." Adrienne playfully mocked him making Billy groan and turn to lay flat on his back, his tanned skin glowing in the atmosphere of his room, his toned lines of his godforsaken abs and muscles throughout his body.

"I'll go." Billy smirked before Adrienne opened her mouth to speak.

"Okay, well get dressed because I'm—"

"IF, I get a kiss  and properly asked." Billy said with a wolf-like grin printed on his face.

"Everyday you remind me how much a man-whore you are." Adrienne sighed before deciding she rather tease him and put him in his misery. "On the cheek, but you have to earn it."

"Cry about it sweetheart." Billy confidently sighed putting his hands behind his head.

Adrienne's eyes fluttered along his torso to meet with his eyes, a small devilish smirk emerging at the corners of her lips before she slowly threw her leg over his waistline and quickly straddled him. Billy's eyes darting at her action looking at her body then meeting back at her gaze.

LoveGame || Billy Hargrove (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now