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Adrienne groaned in pleasure of the droplets of warm-hot water came in contact with her skin, wiping away the sinful pleasure that lingered on her skin, the scent of sex, regret, and Billy Hargrove lingering all around her, her body aching at any sudden movements as the thoughts of tonight swarmed her mind.

"I love you."

The words that rolled off her tongue tasted so sour to her, how bewildered and embarrassed she felt that the words were said aloud but not only from her lips, but also Billy's. She prayed and prayed that the fact she didn't mean those words whatsoever, gaslighting herself in attempt to make her mind and heart not convince her otherwise. She didn't want to believe it, she didn't want to admit it, she didn't want her feelings to say it loud and clear for her that she was in fact falling in love with Billy Hargrove.

She felt hot painful tears pooling at the corner of her eyes, as she let the warm water hit her back she allowed the hot tears roll off her cheeks breaking out into countless throbbing painful sobs escaping her lips.


Billy sat at the foot of his bed, hunched over, elbows on his knees as his heart ached and mind rambled.

I can't love her.

She can't love me.

Goddamn it.

I love her.

Billy's own mind was became his enemy, the once cocky, arrogant, ego-fueled, womanizer was sulking at the foot of his bed over a girl he didn't want to fall in love with in the first place. It fueled his anger that he felt weak at the presence of Adrienne, the way her smile lit up every room she entered, the way her eyes filled with fire, everytime someone overestimated her anger and power, the way her beauty radiated off her beautifully tanned skin when his eyes caught even a glimpse of her and he hated it.

He hated how he let his feelings seep through him through their intimate moment, when he threw his true feelings out on the table when literally planting his seed inside of her. He wasn't the type to show or express his feelings, but with Adrienne it was different, the way they bickered, the way they made each other angry, jealous, hurt, allured. It was what made his cold, dark heart beat with what he felt, "love".

He couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to express how he felt, he wanted to make it known to Adrienne how he truly felt about her, but he couldn't. He knew it would mess everything up, every-time he opened up to someone it always went wrong, so as much as it pained him to not make his feelings known to her, he just decided to leave it all alone before fucking it all up.


"Adrienneeeee, wake up, it's literally Noon." Johnathan mumbled pushing his body strength against Adrienne's bedroom door.

"10 more minutes, my body and head's killing me." Adrienne groaned pulling her blanket over her head.

"Yeah, not happening, Mom wants us to go pick up some groceries for dinner tonight."

"This isn't fair." Adrienne groaned pulling the blanket off of her, sitting up from her bed.

"Wow you look like shit, how was Tommy's party last night by the way?" Johnathan snickered sitting next to his sister who groaned at his words.

"I know we tell each other everything but you can't get mad at me or judge me for this one." Adrienne put her head against her twin brothers shoulder hiding her face in the process, flushed with embarrassment.

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