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Me and Lo'ak spun around to see Neteyam bending over Spider. Shit! Was Neteyam shot? I quickly swam closer, gasping at the sight.

It was Spider, he had been shot in the chest, and it had gone all the way through. Tsireya then arrived on her Ilu, as Lo'ak started to panic.

"Shit, shit!" Lo'ak repeated as he helped Spider onto an Ilu, holding onto his wrist from behind his shoulder.

Neteyam sat behind them, as me and Tsireya grabbed on to either side of the Ilu.

"Kiri and Tuk are on the ship!" Tsireya wailed.

"What!" I croaked out loudly.

"I can't go back now," Lo'ak said determined and desperate.

We saw Jake land on a rock that we were fast approaching. I let go of the hold I had, climbing onto the rock with Tsireya. The boys did not need any help, Spider was easy for them to pick up by themselves any day. But it was a bit of a challenge with the aggressive waves.

"Dad! It's Spider, he's hurt!" Lo'ak informed his father. "Oh no, watch his head!" Jake replied, crouching down to help.

At this point Spider was coughing, struggling to breathe. Neytiri landed on the rock as well, running over to see the action. In all honesty, it did not pain me to see Spider die, but it hurt a bit. I had always taken a dislike towards the boy, but he had been there my entire life. And what hurt the most, was seeing Lo'ak's silent tears as his hands fumbled around Spider's body.

Jake turned Spider over, looking at his back. He laid him back down, knowing that there was no chance of saving him. "Keep pressure on it!" Jake instructed and Lo'ak put both hands across the wound.

I looked up to see Neytiri, she was simply in shock. I knew she felt the same I did towards Spider, but seeing her children hurt was pain enough.

"Bro, I- I want to go home," Spider stammered to Lo'ak and Neteyam. "I know, I know," Lo'ak comforted him through choked tears.

Neteyam was leaning over Spider's body and finished for Lo'ak with tears in his eyes, "We're going."

"Where's- Kiri," Spider choked as he started violently coughing, his whole body shaking.

"She'll be here soon," Lo'ak spoke quietly, as Spider's as eyes went black and his body relaxed.

"No!" Neteyam shouted out frustrated and his father wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. "NO!" Neteyam repeated.

Lo'ak pulled away, looking down at his shaking blood covered hands. He shut his eyes and looked up to the sky, as tears flooded his face. I got on my knees and hugged his chest, resting my cheek on the top of his hair.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, and he grabbed onto my arms as his head dropped.

"Lo'ak," Jake said, his voice deep and husky. "Where are your sisters?"

"On- on the ship," Lo'ak stuttered, his voice slightly distorted.

"I know where they are," Neteyam stood up, now determined, holding his hand out for his father.

Jake glared at Lo'ak and took Neteyam's hand.

"Dad I- I want to come with you."

"No, you've done enough."

I felt Lo'ak's chest heave, as he started to hyperventilate. Jake was blaming the death of Spider on him, I could tell, and so could he.

I went to face towards him, grabbing his face with my hands. "Hey, hey," I said gently, "This is not your fault." I spoke with more intent and seriousness this time.

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