CHAPTER 20: Who Are You? (2)

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A/n: the man picture was at the end of story. So make sure to scroll it until the end. Thx

The million of stars dotted the night sky together with gleamed yellowy white moon. It was such a marvelous sight, however the wind chill blew against everything on the earth. As it's getting late, a gust of wind become more violent and loud like a howling wolf. This atmosphere affected the only two beings outside Henituse County.

The temperature surrounding them has turned even colder; it's not surprising if two of them break a fight at anytime. The still-mantained contest staring was finally came to an end with Choi han being the first one who moved.


The sound of hilt being lifted slightly from its scabbard broke the silence.

The black orbs signaled a dangerous gaze as if showing he is a predator.

This eventually caused the other man's lip twitched, but no one would know because of the fox masked.

With a deep voice.

Choi han asked

"Are you the kidnapper?"

Receiving no reply, Choi han plan to attack him. But, just in time the fox masked man opened his mouth.

"Who do you think you are...that you dare to look at me that way?"

Choi han brows twitched as he was annoyed with his unanswered question.

The scarry aura then flowed out of the man and seeped into Choi han's skin. He felt tingled around his body.

The man continued his speaking.

"How dare you..."

"When you are only a prey...."


(A/n: well, i will explain it in case you misunderstand. The man refer to choi han as his prey and called him single-lifer)

Choi han face have no changed despite deep down did not quite understand what his saying thus he ignored it. He was thinking about how to fight the man.

'Strong' thought Choi han.

The man who had been stayed compoused then moved his head slightly.

Two new people arrived in the place.

It was Ron and Beacrox.

Ron with dagger.

Beacrox with greatsword.

Both of them wearing a mask to cover their identity.

Beacrox sensed something weird as he quickly exclaimed it.

"Why are you hesitating?"

It was a question directed to Choi han.

Becarox know that Choi han is a bad guy but strong one. He would never be uncertain when fighting someone including him and his father who had been his opponent before. Hence, seeing him only stood still in front of the unusual stranger sparked his confusion.

The truth then came out.

"He does not have mana" stated Ron with a hawk eyes observing the fox masked man.

"What?" Asked beacrox with bewilderment.

He then quickly inspected the man.

And it's true.

"How come?"

3 of them were all baffled with this unexpected event. In the beginning, they felt an intensed mana from the outside. Therefore, they followed it and reached this place; the garden.

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