Celebrity Lifestyle Interview pt. 3

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Wendy: So you were going to take the wrap if they arrested you that day?

J: Uhhh...Yeah! Really think I was gonna let them take the fall at the height of their careers. Hell No. I'd be in jail right now if they had solid proof.

L: Jay's our rider. She down for us no matter what the circumstance

T: she sure is

C: Yup she is.

Wendy: You had Charli all that time, what happened to his mother?

J: Mari...It took her a while to get it together and realize she needed to fix herself before I would let her get Charli back. By the time she did that Charli was 10 and stable so she just left him be with me her and B trade off weekends seeing him. 

Wendy: So what happened to the other guys?

T: You talking about the other niggas? Them fools...

C: Let me go first Ti cause I gotta few things I wanna say about Mr. Dallas! Now don't get me wrong cause's that's my son's father, but he is the biggest douche bag there is. I was so stupid to go chasing after him. I realized after 6 months after my son was born that I was a dumb ass for ever leaving.

L: I with you Ro, Shawn was just a pretty face. Nothing more! He was just in it to try to get a record deal. And when that didn't happen he bounced.

T: I am not gonna go into the details, but he knows the deal. And I wish he would try that shit again.

J: I wish he would try that again too Ti. (I said looking at her)

Wendy: Jay what happened between you and Michael?

J: Him...well you'll see later on in the story.

L: Light skin niggas! (She said shaking her head)

Wendy:  I am not sure if you want to talk this but you talked about being depressed and tried to commit suicide 2 times? Did you tell the girls about it once yall got back together?

T: Wendy I know this an interview and all but, that subject right there is off limits.

L & C: Yeah we with Ti on that.

J: it's okay I'll talk about it.

C: Are you sure baby? You don't have to. (She said grabbing my hand and gently rubbing it)

J: No its okay. Yes Wendy in response to your question I did try to commit suicide two times. I was in a really really bad place at the time and it seemed like the only option to get over what had happened with the girls and just life in general. I hit the brick wall hard as hell.  I quickly realized that wasn't the answer when my 6 year old nephew found me passed out. As far as telling the girls...I never went into deep detail until now, I skipped the detail and just told them I tried to do it.  

Wendy: So Charli was the one that found you, both times?

J: No the first time my mom found me. The second time my brother found me when he was bringing Charli back.

L: Aye Wendy, no more questions on this subject.

T: Yeah, just move on to the next question or something.

J: (looking at Ti and Li and they are mouthing to me "I am sorry", I mouthed back "it's okay")

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