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B finally texted me the address of where he wanted us to meet him and Liyah at, we left around 7 to go meet them at Dave and Busters since we have kids, it's not really appropriate to take them to a club setting. We chilled out for a while let the kids play games, talked to B and Liyah. It was about 9:30 when Ro and Ti left to take the kids home. I didn't really want Ti around all the smoke and stuff so I was kind glad when she said she was sleepy and wanted to go home.

Lisa and I stayed and chilled with B and Liyah a little more. Yall want another drink B said getting up to go to the bar. Naw bro I am good just bring me a water, Bam you want another drink or something? She looked at me with pleading eyes. She had only had 1 drink the whole night. Go ahead Bam I am not stopping you right now. The biggest smile plastered on her face and she kissed my neck in her usual spot. Yeah B get me a long island ice tea. What about you Liyah you want something? Yeah! Bring me a cherry vodka sour. I'll be back in a few minutes then.

So Liyah how did you meet B? Well I know you probably know about what happen a couple of years ago. Yeah B told me about what happened that night. It's foul what they did to you and then they just left you there. I would of fucked a nigga up for doing that to me, Li said. Yeah, it was but B wasn't involved in that, if anything he was trying to help me out. After that though I ran into him again in Florida at my Uncles studio, he was working on a track for another artist and I accidentally walked into the wrong studio. I guess you can say it was love at first sight. I've been there before Li said grabbing my hand and smiling at me.

So Liyah, B said you and him needed a favor from us you know what it is? Well see it's kind of a favor for me actually. Well I kind of ...wanted to see... well spit it out girl! Li said. Shh babe she seems nervous about whatever it is she trying to say. I'll just say it, I was wondering if yall could turn me out? Li and I both choked on our drinks when she said that. Wait rewind did you just say you want us to turn you out? Yeah, I know it is kind of weird...no scratch that it's weird as hell to have your little brother's girlfriend asking you to do something like this. It's just after everything that with the rape and stuff it's been really hard in that area and I talked to B about it and he said that yall may be willing to help us out. You could tell she was nervous as hell and being sincere about the situation and really wanted the help. I looked over at Bam and she was completely dumbfounded. Li baby you okay? Yeah, I am fine I just never thought something like this would happen. Just then B came back with the drinks. Li quickly downed half of her drink. Thirsty much B said laughing at Li. Shut up big head!

So I am assuming she asked you B said, sitting down at the table. Yeah she did and what the hell though B, you know the 4 of us are happily married we don't make it a habit of just turning folks out. There are real relationships at stake here I said. I know sis, you know I would never ever ask you something like this like ever, but this is for my girl and she trying to spice things up in our relationship. Why us though B, Lisa asked? Because I can trust her with yall, I know each one of you and I know yall won't hurt her and I also know that god forbid if something happens to me or in our relationship she'll be taken care of. B let me ask you something, are you really serious about this relationship? If I wasn't sis would I really be asking you to do this for me? Damn he's right, let us talk to the other two and I'll let yall know. Thanks sis it would mean so much to me if yall consider it. Me too Liyah said looking at us.

Excuse us for a minute Li said pulling me up from the table. Babe we should do it. Are you serious Li? I am babe, I mean think about what she has been through she's finally found what looks like true love. I know Li, but really I mean we don't just give ourselves over like that and wouldn't that be like breaking our vows? No it wouldn't cause we are gonna talk to Ti and Ro about it and agree first before we do it. Jay he came to us because he knows he can trust her with us. He could of gotten some random hoe to do it and he ain't asking to be there when it happens. Good cause I would never ever do that and I surely wouldn't let yall do it either. I know you wouldn't. Would we seal it though? Well yeah we would have to. That's going to be weird though because that's my little brothers girlfriend and I am not trying to be close with him like that. I know babe, but think about it would you want some random hoe doing it? Or would you rather one of your wives do it with the love and care she deserves? If it makes you comfortable, you don't have to be her sealer. It would actually be better if you weren't her sealer too. She was absolutely right there was no way I was going to let this happen by a stranger. She gotta go to the clinic though, Bone is pregnant and we ain't exposing her or ourselves to anything. Of course that's the first thing baby. Okay Bam your right! B we'll do it just let us double check with Bone and Ro on the logistics of it we said sitting back at the table.

So Liyah, how is your head game? Li said and B choked on his drink. Liyah just blushed before answering. Of course my wife has to be blunt as hell I thought to myself. Umm...I guess it is good, you would really have to ask B to answer that. Omg, I can't believe I am listening to this right now I said. Babe calm down. Go ahead B answer the question. Well Liyah its good it can be a little better though. He said looking down. Liyah baby let me see your tongue I said. She looked at me kind of funny and then stuck out her tongue. Just then Li and I both said Ro! What you mean Ro, B said. Don't worry about it right now. Liyah how much can you take? What you mean Lisa? I mean how much D can you take in at one time? Well B how big are you? No Li I can't listen to this right now I said standing up. Sit yo ass down Jay, this is to help your little brother. Ughh!! Well I am about 10 maybe 11 inches. One last thing B and I want to be completely honest with you on this okay. Alright sis! Once we do this for you if she becomes addicted to it and wants more, you can't leave her? He took another sip from his drink and looked over at Liyah and then back at Li and I. I understand and I would never do that, I am here for the long haul with her. If she wants to bang one of your wives or you for that matter I wouldn't care because like I said before I trust yall completely and I would rather it be one of yall then someone else.

Well yall it's getting late let's get going. I'll drive home and yall can stay the house tonight. Cool, thank you so much sis, you don't know how much this means to us. Damn the saying doing anything for your family, I said laughing and grabbing Li's hand as we walked out the restaurant. When we got back to the house it was completely dark except for the light over the stove in the kitchen. So B and Liyah the guest room is at the end of the hall, bathroom is on the right. I just ask that if you feel the need to fuck, please make sure that your door is locked and try not to be too loud we got kids in the house okay? Sure thing sis, I hugged both of them and went to check on the babies before I went to bed.

The first room was the twins, they were both spread eagle sleeping like there is no tomorrow. I kissed their cheeks and pulled the cover over both of them before gently closing their door behind me. The next room was Tron and Charli's I made sure they were okay, kissed both of their cheeks and left. The last room was Chase's when I peeked in she was still up. Chase baby why are you up? I was waiting for you to get home mommy. Why were you waiting on me to get home? I wanted to make sure you were safe. Aww...you are a sweet child just like your mama. You don't have to worry about me okay. You're too little to be worrying about the adults. I know mommy I just want to make sure you get home safe. Well I am here now and I am safe so you can go to sleep now. Night mommy! Night Chase! I said kissing her cheek and tucking her in. I swear that little girl has my heart just like her mom. When I finally made it in the room I see Ti and Ro all cuddled up. Li was in the bathroom I quickly changed and got into bed. Li then came out the bathroom and got into bed too.

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