ello gov'nor

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It was nice out in the city. A guy working at the movie shack hut wearing a Skyper costume, with king Kong on the top. Was dancing saying.

"Movies! Rent your movies!" Then Rigby runs out the door with a movie and pumps Into him. "Oh, sorry man." The worker apologize. But Rigby chuckled at hes outfit.

"Nice outfit." He runs out leaving behind a mad worker. "It's a costume! They make me wear it!"

A couple hours later back at the park. The sun has set and it's night time. And tonight is-

"Movie night!" Mordecai said excitingly. "I got the popcorn!"

"I got the pop!" Alex said.

"I got the movie!" Rigby said holding up the movie. This confused mordecai. "Wait? I thought were watching the dark knight?" He holds up the dark knight.

"Dude I'm not watching a movie about a guy who dresses up like a bat." Rigby joked. "Even if it's from Alex and gaz's world. Besides I got something better. BAM!" He holds the movie. Gaz grabs it and reads the title.

"Ello gov'nor?" He reads the back. "A British taxi is possessed by the soul of its driver, seeking revenge on the lowly gang members who murdered him. Pay the... fare- oh for the love of God, not another horror movie. Last time we watched something like this, you couldn't stop screaming when someone smiled at you.... for two bloody weeks."

Rigby gets scared and starts to shake. "I thought we agreed to never talk about smile again!" He takes a deep breath to claim down. "And besides it'll be different. This one is old and cheesy. It will be hilarious."

"You sure you could handle it?" Alex asked.

"Dudes, it's in black and white. Come on."

"Hmmm....don't piss your pants tonight." Alex shunged. Rigby opened the case, gaz turned off the light. Rigby put the vhs in the player and the movie played.

'Ello gov'nor' appeared in black and white. "Aahh." The gang faked screamed, bit laughed it off.

"See isn't this fun?" Rigby asked eating popcorn.

"Hmph hmph."

The movie begins. We see a British bordering school. "Hey gaz did you ever go to one of them bordering schools?" Alex asked.

"No my mum sent me to public school." Gaz replied.

In of the classes of the school we see a boy learning. He opens he's notebook and sees a tire mark. He gasped in honor, then he felt something off. That's when he looked out the window and saw the killer taxe.

"Ello gov'nor." It drives full force into the window causing death and destruction. Gaz, Alex and mordecai smilled and laugh at the cheesy scene. While Rigby looks a little scared.

A while later into the movie we see a a woman in her bathroom combing her hair. She closes the cabinet. Then she dropped the hairbrush in honor. Hiding in the shower curtain was the taxe!

"Ello gov'nor." The women gasped and turn around, but the taxe drove at her with sharp teeth coming out of he's grill. "Oh come on, how can you not see the car in the shower curtain?" Alex asked looking bored. Along with the rest of the gang. Mordecai even yawned. But however Rigby is holding a pillow in fear.

Even more a while later into the movie. We see a high class man walking he's dog down the street. He stops when he feels like he's being watched. He looks to he's left and sees the taxes!

"Ello gov'nor." The taxe drives at him full force. The man and the dog try to run but only the dog got away. Rigby watched in honor as the man was eaten alive.

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