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Oh hey ! How are you ? I'm Angelina Falgari and I'm half-French, half-Italian. My dad is Italian and my mom was French. I said "was" because I never knew her. I have always been with my dad. I still learnt French because I love learning new languages. I spent a lot of times on the road with my dad for the Grand Prix. I never went to the GP in Asia and the American GP because they are too far and I'm at university. Even if I feel bored in univ classes, I still have fun with my friends. My university is in France, in Normandy. By the way, my birthday is February 20. I have brown hair and blue eyes. My hair is long and curly. 

I'm a big fan of MotoGP and my favorites riders are Alex & Marc Marquez. They are brothers. I already saw them during Grand Prix but we never talked and they didn't notice me. My dad is the truck driver of Yamaha. Sometimes I driver his truck while he is sleeping, only at night. He says I'm a great driver. I learn a lot from him and from everyone in MotoGP. I always help with organization, engineering, technical stuff and everything around MotoGP. This is my world. 

I also love music. I play guitar and piano. I listen to different types of music and it often happens that people ask me to create playlists for them. 

On Instagram, I have my personal account, a fan account about MotoGP and a music account where I post covers I make (I love singing), I also post videos of me playing songs with my guitar and I post music playlists. I have a lot of followers on my fan account and my music account including MotoGP riders. Most of them follow my personal account. 

I love creating and learning new things. I absolutely love travelling. I don't like staying in a room doing nothing during hours. I always need to move or to do something. I love taking photographs. Photography is one of my passions. I know I love doing a lot of things but my three passions are : MotoGP, music and photography. 


I'm with my dad in the Yamaha truck. He is sleeping so I'm driving. We are going to the Assen GP in Netherlands. We are behind the Ducati truck. We stop on a rest area. We need a break before we keep driving and some people need to go to the toilets/restroom. My dad wakes up when I open one of the doors of the truck.

"Dove siamo ?" -  He asks

"Area di sosta. Devi anche andare in bagno?" - I say


I leave the truck and I walk to the toilets/restroom. A few minutes later I wash my hands and I leave it to another girl. I walk a bit alone until I sit on a bench, waiting for my father. I yawn and I join my dad in the truck. He fell asleep again. I sigh and I drink a bit of water. I turn the engine on and we leave the rest area. I turn the radio on but I low the sound not to wake my dad up. I want him to sleep well. We will arrive to the circuit in two hours. I can't wait to be there. This time we are behind the Aprilia truck. I stretch out quickly before I put my hands on the wheel to keep driving. 

We are finally arrived to the Assen circuit. I park the Yamaha truck between the Honda truck and the Ducati truck. My dad woke up five minutes ago. We leave the truck and we join the Yamaha team and the other teams. I see Marc and Alex and I try to hide because I'm shy. I sit with my team and I look at Alex discreetly. We eat breakfast and I go to our hotel to take a shower in my room. I smell so bad and I feel the need to take a shower. I enter my hotel room and I take my clothes off. I enter the bathroom and I take a long shower. I feel so much better now. I wash my hair and my body. 

I get dressed with Yamaha clothes and I go back to the circuit. I walk in the paddock to join my team and I meet some fans who ask me an autograph and a photo with me. I talk with them for some minutes. I meet other fans while I'm walking. I see some riders and they hug me. They are happy to see me and I'm happy to see them as well. My father let me to my own devices because he trusts me and he thinks I'm old enough to take care of me and to be careful. 

Assen GP is the last one before the Summer break, I can't wait to see my friends again. 

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