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Alex and Marc are checking my Spanish and Catalan homework.

"Everything is correct !" - Marc announces

"It's perfect here as well !" - Alex says

"Thanks guys." - I reply

I'm happy to have everything correct. I feel proud of me. I turn my PC off.

"Angelina ?" - Marc asks

"Yes, Marc ?" - I reply

"Do you want to celebrate Christmas with us ? I asked my parents if you could come and they would be happy to meet you. We talked about you to our parents during the summer break."

"Well, yes why not. I would be happy to meet your parents."

"Is it okay if you come in Cervera and we pick you up at the train station ?" - Alex asks

"It's okay yeah."

"Where will you take the train ?" - Marc asks

"Paris and Barcelona." - I reply

"I will pick you up at Barcelona." - Alex says

"Are you sure ?" - I ask

"Absolutely !"

It warms my heart and it makes me smile. I would feel safer if Alex or Marc picks me up.

"I'm going to call dad." - Marc announces

Marc leaves the Gresini motor-room.

"What do you want to do tonight ?" - I ask

"I wanted to propose you to watch a movie with me." - Alex replies

"I will buy pop corn and pizza."

"I come with you."

I nod smiling. Alex is someone who cares and protects people he loves. You can feel safe around him. I gaze at him. He is perfect. My love for him grows each day. I'm so scared for the end of the season. I know he told me he won't forget me. Him and Marc proposed me to come for Christmas. I hope my dad and my aunt will survive. I already know how I would be if they don't. I hold my tears back

"What are you thinking about ?" - Alex asks

"Nothing much." - I say

"Your eyes are wet. So there is something."

I look away trying not to cry. Alex takes my hand to hold it. He always does that when he notices I'm not okay. It reassures me because I know he is there.

"Do you need a hug ?" - Alex adds

I nod to say yes. His arms are wrapped around me and I take a deep breath. I cry silently, Alex notices it and he dries my tears. Marc comes back and he holds my hand too.

"My dad is okay with the fact Alex will pick you up at Barcelona." - Marc says

"Thank you, Marc." - I reply

He smiles at me. Gemma joins us and she smiles at me, I smile at her. Gemma is lovely. We talk about Christmas. Gemma will be there as well. I feel happy to know I will spend Christmas with them. I will try to improve my Spanish or my Catalan skills. Probably both. I try not to fall asleep, I'm exhausted. I hear Alex's heart racing. Marc and Gemma will eat in a restaurant tonight. They want to spend together. We leave the circuit and we find a pizzeria to order pizza. I bought pop corn before we found the pizzeria. We are waiting for our pizza. Alex makes me laugh with his jokes.

We are in my hotel room. We started to watch a movie : Scream. We're done eating our pizza.

"Pop corn ?" - I ask

"Yes please." - Alex says

I give him the bowl of pop corn. Alex puts it on his stomach and he takes me in his arms. His arm is wrapped around my back and his hand on my left hip. I eat some pop corn. I hear Alex yawing and I put pop corn in his mouth. I see him smiling and I kiss his cheek. 

The movie is almost over and Alex is sleeping. I put the blanket on him and I keep watching the movie. Fifteen minutes later, the movie is over and I turn the tv off. I go to the bathroom and I brush my teeth. I wash my hands and I go back to my bedroom. I turn the light off and I lay under the blanket, next to Alex. He is sleeping like a baby. I close my eyes and I try to sleep. I feel an arm being wrapped around me. I look at Alex and his eyes are a bit opened. 

"Did I wake you up ?" - I say

"Not at all, I want you in my arms to sleep." - Alex replies

"I'm there, Alex." 

I snuggle to him and he wraps his other arm around me. We fall asleep together.

We wake up early because there is the sprint race today and tomorrow it's race day as well. 

"I'm going to be late !" - Alex says

"Go without me, I will join you in the paddock when I'm ready." - I say

"Are you sure ?"

"Yes I am. Focus on the races please !"

"I will !"

Alex leaves my hotel room and I take a shower. I get dressed quickly and I grab the key of my room. I lock the door and I leave the hotel. I walk twenty minutes to arrive to the circuit. I say hello to everybody. It's my ritual when I'm around each circuit. I hug Marc when I see and he ruffles my hair before he goes on the circuit riding his bike. I leave the Honda box and I walk to the Gresini box to see if Alex is there. I also say hello the Gresini staff. Alex is already on the circuit. I decide to stay with the Yamaha staff today. 

The sprint race will begin soon. I want to see Alex before the race. I will probably go to the parc fermé for the podium of the race. I sit on a chair and I watch the sprint race which just began. I hope Alex will win the sprint race. I bite a bit my nails but I stop. I'm scared because every second counts. Alex and Marc can fall anytime. 

I run to the parc fermé. Marc is already there. Alex won the sprint race. Alex sees us and he comes to us. He hugs us and he kisses me on the forehead. He talks with his team and I notice he often looks at me. I talk with Marc and I didn't see Alex coming. 

"This victory is for you, Angelina." - Alex says 

"Thank you, Alex. I knew you could do it and you did it !"- I reply

I hug him tight and he doesn't let me go away. Some photographs take photos of us but I don't care, all I wanted is a hug from Alex. He ruffles my hair before he goes on the podium. Marc winks at me. 

"It progresses between you two !" - Marc 

"Not too loud, you idiot !" - I say

Marc bursts into laughter and his laugh is contagious so I laugh with him. We start to have an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Everyone is looking at us smiling. 

"So tell me !" - Marc say, still laughing

"I love him so much. We're not dating yet but one day, we will." - I reply

"Wow ! I can't wait to see you together !"

I smile and we look at Alex who is on the podium. I'm so happy and so proud of him. 

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