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We spend one of the last days at the Water World Parc. I have fun with my friends. I sit on the edge of the pool and Lana joins me. We talk about our next road trip to Madrid. 

"C'est Alex Marquez là-bas ?" - Tim asks, joining us

I turn my head and I see him with Marc. I jump in the water because I didn't know he was there. My heart beats faster and I feel nervous. Why have I to love him like that? I just talked to him for an autograph and a photo. 

"Tu ne vas pas les voir ?" - Lana asks

"Angelina est amoureuse !!" - Luca says

I splash him. Some people looked at us, I hope Alex and Marc didn't hear him. They don't speak French but I'm so nervous to talk to them. I leave the pool and I grab my towel. I walk to a deckchair and I lay on it before I close my eyes. 

"Angelina !!"

I open my eyes and I see Marc waving at me. Oh shit !  I smile all alone and I wave at him. I see him coming, followed by Alex. They sit on the deckchair next to me. I look at Alex, I try not to bite my lips. 

"Cuánto tiempo llevas ahí? - Marc asks

"Pasamos la semana aquí e iremos a Madrid pasado mañana." - I reply

"Iremos a Madrid también, pero mañana." - Alex adds

"That's great, perhaps we'll see each other again." - I say

I didn't how to say this in Spanish. I feel more confident when I speak English than Spanish. I guess, it's because I speak English fluently and I must keep learning Spanish. Alex blushes when I notice he is staring at me. 

"Are you ready for the next part of the MotoGP ?" - Alex asks

"I'm always ready for MotoGP. However I won't be there for all the Grand Prix in Asia because of university. So I'll only be there for the European grand prix." - I reply

"We'll miss you when you're not there." - Marc says 

"I'll miss you too." -  I add

I blush smiling. I hug them and they hold me tight. I needed to hug them, they have always been my favorite riders and I love them more than anything.

"Thanks for being here guys." - I say

"We'll always be there." - Marc replies

They hug me again. Alex puts his hand in my hair. It makes me blush. Then, they join their friends and I join mine. I wish I could be in their arms again, especially Alex. Jade and Aymeric wink at me and I giggle blushing. We walk through the parc and we have fun with other people. I think tomorrow we will stay at the hotel or we will walk a bit in Lloret de Mar. 


I saw her again at the Water World parc. She was with her friends. I see her walking to a deckchair. I recognize her, it's Angelina ! Obviously it's her ! 

"Marc ! Angelina está aquí!" - I say 

Marc seems happy as well to see her. He calls her waving at her and she waves at us. Marc walks towards her and I follow him. I feel so happy to see her again and I want to hug her. We sit on a deckchair next to her and we talk to her. She is happy to see us. I can't stop staring at her and I blush when she notices it. I feel nervous but I'm also happy around her. Suddenly, she hugs us and we keep her in our arms. She thanks us for being here, Marc tells her we'll always be here. I put my hand in her hair. She's amazing. We join our friends. I'm already impatient to see her again.

"Estás enamorado?" - Marc asks

"No, pero hay algo en ella que los demás no tienen." - I reply

"Creo que te enamoraste de ella, pero sigues sin darte cuenta."



I sit on a deckchair because my ankle hurts. I can't stop thinking about Alex. I'm lost in my thoughts. I come back to reality when I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Luca. 

"Tout va bien ?" - He asks

"Tutto bene Luca. J'étais ailleurs." - I reply

Luca sits next to me and I put my head on his shoulder. 

"Tu veux en parler ?" - He asks

"Je suis épuisée, ma cheville me fait mal." - I reply

"Demain on va se reposer, promis. Mais j'ai l'impression qu'il y a quelque chose d'autre." 

I agree with him. There is something else and it's not about Alex. You already know I never knew my mother and I feel a huge empty space inside me. 

"C'est très dur à expliquer." - I say

I hold back my tears and I take a deep breath.

"Je n'ai jamais connu ma mère et je ressens un gros manque depuis quelques temps." - I add

Luca doesn't reply but he hugs me. 

"On est là, et on est fiers de toi." - Luca says

"Merci Luca." - I reply

He hugs me tighter and our friends join us. It's the first time I open up about it. They all hug me and we leave the parc. My legs and my ankle hurt. I try to hide it and I keep walking to the hotel. We enter it and we enter our bedrooms. I lay on my bed and I close my eyes. I don't understand why I'm exhausted, knowing I slept well last night. It's probably because I don't take the time to have a rest. I fall asleep without realizing it. 

My phone wakes me up ringing. I yawn and I grab it. Jade's calling. I answer and she asks me if I want to go to the pizzeria with her and our friends. I say yes and I tell her I get ready quickly. She hangs up and I jump in the shower. 5 minutes later, I get dressed and I brush my hair. I grab my phone and the key of my room to lock the door. I join them quickly.

"Tu dormais ?" - Lana asks

"Oui, je me suis endormie sans m'en rendre compte." - I reply

We leave the hotel and I feel the fresh air on my cheeks and through my hair. I have the same feeling when Alex put his hand in my hair when he hugged me. We arrive to the pizzeria and we buy some pizza. When we have them, we walk to the beach and we sit on the rocks to eat our pizza in front of the sunset. Watching sunsets and sunrises is so peaceful. When we're done eating, we walk a bit on the sand and we talk about tomorrow. My mind is already somewhere else, I just can't wait for MotoGP to start again. It will be amazing. 

We arrive to the hotel and we enter our hotel rooms saying good night. I lay on the bed and I think about when I was in their arms. Yep, Alex and Marc. I just don't realize the chance I have to know them and to be close to them. I mean, I'm so lucky to be able to talk to them and to travel with them. 

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