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Marc called me again and I told him I'm on my way to Silverstone. He wants to pick me up but I told him I would arrive to Silverstone Park, which is twenty minutes from the circuit. My hotel is also twenty minutes from the circuit.

I'm in my hotel room and I'm getting ready for the GP. I grab my phone and my earphones before I leave the hotel. I call Marc to know if we can see each other to go to see Alex. I join Marc in the paddock. I said hello to a lot of MotoGP staff of almost each team.

"I just need to say hello to other MotoGP staff." - I say

"No problem." - Marc says

I say hello to the Aprilia team and the KTM team. Some photographs take photos of me and Marc. We go to the hospital to see Alex. I feel anxious when I enter the hospital. I had bad memories when I was in a hospital. We walk towards the reception desk and we ask to see Alex Marquez. We're told we can see him and we're given the number of his room. Room 273. A doctor comes with us so he will be able to check Alex's health. We enter his room.

My heart breaks when I see him in a hospital bed. I have a lump in my throat. Marc notices it and he puts his arm around my shoulder. We sit on the chairs against the wall. I play with my elastic because I'm nervous and anxious. Alex is still sleeping. The doctor tells us he is okay. We thank him before he leaves the room. Marc and I talk about MotoGP until we hear Alex grumbling. He opens his eyes and he sees us. His eyes start to shine. A huge smile appears on his smile.

"Hey." - Alex, with a sleepy voice

"Hello Alex." - We reply

"How do you feel ?" - I ask

"Fragile. What about you ?" - Alex replies

"It hurts." - I say, "Seeing you like this hurts." - I add

"It's going to be okay, Angelina. I promise."

I smile. I want to hug him so tight.

"How are you Marc ?" - Alex asks

"I'm okay but it hurts as well to see you like this." - Marc replies

"Everything's going to be okay. Nothing is broken so I hope I can race this weekend."

We talk about the British GP. I really hope Alex can race this weekend.

We hug him saying bye and we leave the hospital because Marc needs to check some stuff with his team.


I was so happy to see Marc and Angelina. On morning, I talked with the doctor if I can leave the hospital tomorrow and he told me if everything's okay tomorrow, I can leave. I can't wait to make the surprise to Marc and Angelina. She's so beautiful and I miss her so much since we left Madrid.

I smile thinking about being with her. She's so important to me. I don't know if it's love at first sight, but she has something that other girls don't have. Every time she is around me or when I see her, my heart beats faster and I'm nervous. All I want to do is taking care of her, protecting her and being there for her. When I see her talking to another guy, I feel jealous.

I'm so bored in this room. Suddenly, the doctor enters in my room with a big smile.

"What happens ?" - I ask

"There is a possibility you can leave the hospital tonight." - The doctor says

"What? Really ?!" - I reply

"Of course. If everything is okay, you can leave tonight."

"Thank you so much doctor !"

He leaves my room and I walk a bit to feel better.

A few hours later, I walk to the bathroom to take a shower. I go back to my room and I get dressed before I get my bag ready. I grab my phone and the key of my room. I leave my hospital room with my bag on my left shoulder. I go to the reception desk and I give the key back. I'm walking towards my hotel and I enter my hotel room. I put my bag on the floor, against my bed.

Marc is with some other riders at an interview. I see Angelina is there as well, watching the interview. I text Joan (Mir) to know what he is doing and of course if he is okay. He calls me. We talk a bit and I ask him if he can help me to make a surprise for Marc and Angelina. He is going to join me at my hotel.

I leave my room and I join Joan to the cafe of the hotel.

"Cuál es tu plan, Alex? - Joan asks

"Para Marc, pensé en ir al camión Honda antes del final de la entrevista." - I reply

"Es una buona idea !" - Joan says, "Y para Angelina ?" - He asks

"No tengo idea !"

I smiled when Joan said her name.

"Hay algo con ella?" - Joan asks

"No, pero..." - I reply

"Pero lo que ?"

"No sé, nos acercamos un poco en las vacaciones de verano porque ella estaba en España con sus amigos."

"Qué ha pasado ahí ?Cuéntame todo!"

"Bailamos juntos y pasamos tiempo con sus amigos y con Marc, Gemma y José. Desde esos momentos, no puedo dejar de pensar en ella."

"Te has enamorado, Alex?"

"No lo sé. Es increíble, Joan y yo nunca hemos estado así!

"Creo que te enamoraste, hermano." - Joan says, "Tengo una idea para Angelina." - Joan adds

"Dime." - I reply

"Podemos planear comer juntos esta noche, y pasaré tiempo con ella uniéndose a ti en el hotel para ir a un restaurante. Propongo un restaurante, pero podemos comer en otro lugar."

"Muchas gracias Joan !"

"¿Tienes una idea de restaurante ?"

"Vamos a buscar en Google."

"Murray's restaurant se ve genial."

Joan looks at the photos of the restaurant and he nods to agree. Joan calls the restaurant and he asks if he can book a table for seven people. I'm so impatient to be tonight !

We leave the hotel because the interview ends in ten minutes. We enter Joan's car and he drives to the circuit. A few minutes later, we arrive and Joan parks his car in the parking. We enter the paddock and we wave at each other saying bye because Joan needs to be with his team to work on his bike.

I walk towards the Honda motor-room and I enter it. I sit on the couch and I wait for Marc. Joan texts me.

Joan : Envié un mensaje a Angelina y Marc para esta noche y dijeron que sí.
Alex : Muchas gracias Joan.
Joan : No hay problema, Alex, también te pediré ayuda si necesito algo.
Alex : Te ayudaré.
Joan : Gracias Alex.

I stay on my phone waiting for Marc. Ten minutes later, the interview is over and I hear someone coming. I recognize Marc's voice. I put my phone in my pocket and I get up. I see him entering and he looks at me.

"Alex ?!" - Marc asks

I laugh and he comes to me smiling. We hug each other and I explain what the doctor told me. I also tell him for the restaurant with Joan. Marc is so happy because it was a surprise for him and he can't wait to see Angelina's reaction tonight.


I loved the interview. Marc was there. Francesco, Franco, Pol, Jorge (Martin) and Jack. I'm on my way to the hotel. Joan texted me to ask me if I want to eat in a restaurant with him, his girlfriend, Marc, Gemma and Jose. I said yes. I have no clue of my outfit. I'll show you when I decided.

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