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I still don't know if I can forgive him. It's almost 5 pm. I spent the day outside. I ate a sandwich on noon. I visited a museum all alone. I met some fans, we talked a bit and they asked me how Alex and Marc are so I told them they're okay. We took photos together and they left.

Tim : Tu veux diner avec nous ce soir ?

I stare at his text.

Angelina : Ils seront là ?
Tim : Oui.
Angelina : Je ne sais pas Tim. J'ai dit à Marc de me laisser la journée.
Tim : Il t'a parlé ?
Angelina : Oui, je te montrerai si je viens ce soir.
Tim : Je sais que ce n'est pas facile mais ça nous fera plaisir si tu dines avec nous. On ne s'est pas vu du reste de la journée et je pense que ça fera du bien à tout le monde de te voir.
Angelina : Où dinez-vous ce soir ?
Tim : Alex et Marc sont en train de regarder.
Angelina : Je te tiendrai au jus si je viens. Dis-leur de réserver pour 10 personnes au cas où je viens.
Tim : Pas de soucis ! Je t'enverrai l'adresse du restaurant !
Angelina : Merci Tim.
Angelina : Ils vont bien ?
Tim : Non, ils se sentent mal. Alex a même pleuré et il porte des lunettes de soleil noires pour cacher ses yeux rouges.
Angelina : J'aimerai tellement leur faire un câlin.
Tim : Ils en ont besoin.

I put my phone in my pocket and I keep walking in the street of Madrid. They are probably around a table at the hotel cafe. I decide to come back to the hotel. I see them at the hotel cafe. My heart breaks when I see Marc unhappy, you can see it on his face. Jose isn't good as well but he tries to hide it. Alex probably cried a lot because he is wearing black sunglasses. I feel guilty because I feel like it's my fault if they are like that. They are focused on Marc's phone so I walk quickly to the stairs to go to my room. I charge up my phone and I take a long bath. My phone rings but I will reply when I'm not in the bathtub anymore. It rings again so I leave the bathtub, I grab a towel and I put it around my body. Tim texted me.

Tim : Le restaurant est Mano De Santa et Gemma a reservé une table pour dix personnes.Je lui ai envoyé un message pour lui dire que tu viens probablement ce soir. Je ne voulais pas que Marc, Jose et Alex entendent. On y va pour 20h30.
Angelina : Remercie la pour moi s'il te plaît.

I go back in the bathtub and I put music on my speaker. I apply a facemask to my skin and I wait for five minutes before I take it off. I leave the bathtub when I'm done washing my and my body. I read Alex's text I just received.

Alex : I wish you came with us tonight. We miss you so much 🥺.
Angelina : I don't know Alex. I miss you too.
Alex : Be careful if you come please.

A smile appears on my face, I put my phone on my bed and I brush my hair. I'm going to show you my dress :

I know I love straight hair but I don't want to straighten my hair tonight

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I know I love straight hair but I don't want to straighten my hair tonight. It is also beautiful when it is curly. I look at the time and I see it is 8 pm. Tim told me to come for 8:30 pm but I will come a bit later because I want to make a surprise for everybody. I feel so nervous because I don't know how they are going to react when they see me.

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