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I'm done getting ready for tonight. This is my dress :

Marc picks me up with Gemma and Jose in front of the hotel and we join Joan and his girlfriend

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Marc picks me up with Gemma and Jose in front of the hotel and we join Joan and his girlfriend. We wave at them and we walk towards them. We enter the restaurant and we sit around a table. I wonder how Alex is. I hope he is feeling better. I miss him so much. I wish he was there with us.

"... about, Angelina ?" - Joan asks

"What?" - I reply

I come back to reality and I see everybody is looking at me. They look worried to be honest.

"What are you thinking about ?" - Joan asks again

"MotoGP." - I say

"Are you okay ?" - Gemma asks

"I'm okay, thanks."

"You were pale." - Marc says

"Everything is okay."


I'm arriving to the restaurant. I'm so nervous because I don't know how Angelina will react. I enter the restaurant and I see them. I stare at Angelina and I feel paralyzed. She's gorgeous and the dress suits her. I walk towards them. Angelina sees me and a huge smile appears on her face. She gets up and she comes to me to hug me tight.

"I was so worried !" - Angelina says

"I'm here, everything's okay." - I reply

I hold her tight. I just want to keep her in my arms. Her perfume is amazing. We go back to our table and we order our meals before we start to talk. Angelina is in front of me. I stare at her before I drink a bit of water. I realized how much I missed her. Her phone vibrates, someone's calling her.

"I'll be right back." - Angelina says, getting up to go outside.


A unknown called me. It's the hospital Marc called to know if we could see Alex.

"Hello?" - I say

"Mrs Falgari ? I'm the secretary of the hospital you entered this afternoon." - A woman says

"Why did you call me ?"

"Mr Falgari is your dad, right ?"

"Yes, why ?"

"He is in one of our rooms and he is unconscious. I'm sorry."

I have a blurred vision. I sit on a step to get a grip on myself.

"Since when ? I was supposed to see him tomorrow!"

"An ambulance came 5 minutes ago with him and another person. They had an accident."

"Who was the other person ?"

No reply.

"Tell me please."

"A woman. Mrs Falgari as well."

My aunt !

"How is she ? Is she unconscious as well ?" - I ask

"Yes, she is. I'm really sorry for you." - The secretary says

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault." - I reply, "Thank you for calling me to tell me this." - I add

"If you need to talk, you can call this number."


"I wish they came back soon. I must hang up, I apologize."

"I wish too. It's okay, you have work to do. Bye !"


She hangs up. I stay sat on the step. I can't believe it. I don't even feel my tears on my cheeks. I want to be alone but I can't leave the other alone, knowing Alex made a surprise for us. I can't do this. I look through the window of the restaurant and I see Joan looking at me. I lower my eyes because I don't want him to see me crying. Tomorrow, I will go to the hospital to see my dad and my aunt. I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Alex, I didn't even hear him coming.

"Everything's okay ?" - Alex asks

"Yes, thanks." - I say, trying not to cry again and I start to play with my elastic to help me calm down.

Alex sits next to me and he puts his arm around my shoulder. I think he knows I lied because I don't want to talk about it.

"If there is something's wrong, just know I'm there for you and you're not alone, Angelina. I don't know what I can do to make you smile but don't forget I'm there. We're all there for you." - Alex says

My tears come back and I start to cry in Alex's arms. I don't care if it takes all my makeup off. I just need to cry. My heart's broken. I don't want them to die. I'm too young for that, knowing I never knew my mother so my father is the only parent I have.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I ruined the surprise you made just by crying." - I say

"You didn't ! Something happened and you needed to cry." - Alex replies, "Do you want to talk about it?" - Alex asks

"Not now please, Alex." - I say, "Thanks Alex." - I adds

"What for ?" - Alex replies

"For being there."

"I'll always be there, Angelina."

Alex gets up and he helps me to get up. He takes me in his arms. To be honest with you, this is what I needed. A big hug, from Alex. He keeps me in his arms for at least five minutes. Alex puts his hands on my cheeks and he dries my tears before he kisses my forehead.

"Let's go inside?" - Alex asks

"Yes." - I say

We go back inside and I feel a bit better. They all hug me and we sit again around our table. They don't ask me why I cried, probably because they don't want to force me to talk about it. I stay silent most of the time. I'm lost in my thoughts. The waiter makes me come back to reality when he arrives with some of our meals. He comes back two minutes later with the rest of our meals. I don't even want to eat. I feel my phone vibrate in my jacket. I grab it discreetly and I see a message from Marc. I open it and it warms my heart :

Marc : Whatever happened, you're not alone princess ! 🫶
Angelina : Thank you Marc for being there !🫶

We take our time to eat and we keep talking. I'm silent sometimes but I'm still there. I feel safe around them.

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