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I didn't sleep last night. I mean, the rest of the night. I slept three hours on morning, from 7 am to 10 am. I'm at the hotel cafe with my friends. We planned to eat outside together. I got dressed before joining them here. Jade and Aymeric go to their room to get ready. They come back and we leave the hotel. To be honest with you, I don't even know how I feel right now, I feel like my heart is off but I'm happy to be with my friends. We keep walking in Madrid and we visit some museums we didn't visit yet. I only drank a hot chocolate before we left the hotel. I didn't want to eat something. I can't stop thinking about the nightmare I had when I slept. I didn't tell it to my friends because it was so hurtful and it will hurt again if I talk about it. 

We take photos together and I also take photos of the city. I also took photos when we visited the museums. We bought sandwiches and we eat them in a park. I didn't even text Alex. I want to stay with my friends. I mean, I want to spend time with my friends because I don't always see them. I'm often on the road for the MotoGP races in Europe. I'm so sad that I can't go to the races in Asia. 

The next weeks I'll be away with MotoGP, but I can attend the start of the school year. All the teachers know my situation so they're okay about the facts I'm away. They also know I follow the lessons and I still catch up with my classmates. I send them my homework when I'm done with them. I can't wait to sing again as well. 

"Quel est le prochain GP ?" - Tim asks

"Silverstone, en Angleterre." - I reply

"Tu nous enverra des photos !" - Lana says

"Pas de soucis !"

It made me smile to talk about MotoGP.  I'm so impatient to be on the road again. We spend the afternoon talking about F1, MotoGP, music, university and journeys we can do on holidays/vacation. Next trips : Iceland, Ireland and Scotland. I can't wait to go there ! We will try to visit each country of the European continent. Not all cities of each country but at least two cites.

We'll leave Madrid at the end of the week. We'll come back to Normandy and then I'll be on the road again to go to Silverstone for the British GP. I have no clue of how I will handle stress and tiredness, because I will drive an entire night and a half of a day to go back to Normandy. Then, I will take a train to go to England, I will take another train to Northampton and my dad will wait for me there with a car he will rent. I will stay in France the last days of July but I will leave early on August 1st. 

"Vous voulez partir quand de Madrid ?" - Aymeric asks

"Ce weekend ?" - Jade replies

"On a presque tout visité et je commence à avoir envie de rentrer." - Luca admits

"Moi aussi." - Lana adds

"Je propose qu'on rentre vendredi." - I announce

"Let's go." - Jade says

Instead of coming back the night between Saturday and Sunday, we'll leave on Friday. To be honest, I also want to come back to Normandy. I miss being in my room. I stretch my legs and my arms before I yawn. I feel sleepy. I must be ready to drive back to Normandy. We'll probably leave at 4 or 5 pm on Friday. We'll arrive around 3 am. I look at my phone and I see texts from Alex and Marc. 

Alex : Everything's okay princesa ?
Alex : When do you leave Madrid ?

Marc : Gemma te aprecia mucho, Jose y yo también. Gemma habla mucho de ti y dice que eres una persona dulce y amable.
Marc : Honestamente, todos queremos verte.

It warms my heart. I reply to Alex saying we'll leave on Friday afternoon and I told him everything's okay. I told Marc I appreciate them as well, I thanked Gemma and I said I'll try to spend time with them before we leave Madrid.

We are walking in a park and a puppet comes to me. The first questions I wonder is the following : Is it alone ? Does it have owners ? The puppy seems to be cold and I take it in my arms. 

"Il a un propriétaire ?" - Aymeric asks

"Aucune idée." - I reply

"On devrait demander aux gens dans le parc." - Jade suggests

"Bonne idée mais ça va être long." - Luca replies

We start to ask people around us if they are the owner of the puppet. We're done asking all the people in the park and no one is its owner. We can't take it with us and in our student residence, it is forbidden to have animals in our rooms. I wish I could take it with me and I don't want to abandon it.

"Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire, Angelina ?" - Tim asks

"Autant faire des affiches avec sa photo et si personne ne le réclame avant qu'on parte, je le prends avec moi." - I reply

"Comment vas-tu t'en occuper si tu es souvent en déplacement avec MotoGP ?" - Lana asks

"J'en sais rien. Je ne veux pas non plus l'abandonner mais j'espère vraiment qu'on arrivera à trouver son propriétaire." - I say

"On peut s'en occuper en attendant." - Aymeric says

I smile and we leave the park. We made some posters with a photo of the puppet and we wrote : "Estamos buscando a los dueños de este cachorro." We put them on street lamps.

I hope we will find the owner(s) of the puppet. We go to the veterinarian clinic and I tell everything to the veterinarian and she accepts to check the health of the dog. We wait for some minutes. She comes back with the puppet and she tells us everything is okay but we need to be careful because its health can deteriorate. I pay the veterinarian for her appointment. My friends go back to the park where we found the puppet. I walk to the nearest pet shop and I buy dog food and two dog's bowls. I also buy a leash and a dog harness. Then, I go to the nearest shop and I buy two bottles of water. I join my friends in the park and I feed the puppet. 

I keep looking at the puppet wondering what will happen before we leave Madrid. Anything can happen. 

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