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I'm at the train station right now. There is a piano. I decide to play a song I already played with my guitar : Two Of Us, by Louis Tomlinson. I don't know which version I should. Probably both. Some people watch me playing and they record me. My train leaves at 7:01 am and it's 6:30 am. A girl asks me if she can play something with me and I accept. She wants to play a music from a movie I love. The movie is Castle In The Sky and the song is Sheeta's Decision. We start to play it and a lot of people come to watch us. They also record us. When we're done playing, the girl thanks me and she hugs me.

I enter the train which goes to Paris and I sit somewhere in a coach/car. I take the book I'm reading and I start to read it when I see the train is leaving. Alex is probably still sleeping, or he is waking up. No idea. I close my book and I close my eyes for a moment. I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up twice in the middle of the night.

I text Alex to tell him I'm in the train for Barcelona. I can't wait to see him. My phone vibrates and it's a video call from Marc. I answer and I see his big face. It makes me giggle. We talk a bit and he shows me Alex who is so happy.

"He is so happy to know you're coming !" - Marc says

"I'm so happy too !" - I reply

"You called her ?" - Alex asks

"He did !" - Gemma says

I see her coming and we talk as well. Alex grabs Marc's phone and he runs in his bedroom with it laughing. Seeing him makes me smile and he keeps talking about how much he is impatient to see me. Marc is coming laughing and he takes his phone.

"I must hang up Marc, I'm in the train." - I say

"No problem ! Can't wait to see you !" - Marc says

"Can't wait too !"

We say bye and I hang up. I'm so impatient. I'm also nervous because it is going to be the first time I meet their parents. I wish my dad and my aunt were here with me. My exams were a bit difficult but I managed to do everything.

I leave the train and I walk to the exit of the train station. I text Alex to know where he is. I sit on a bench. A weird guy stares at me and I stop feeling safe. I get up and I walk somewhere else, but he follows me. I call Alex and he tells me he will be there in ten minutes. It makes me feel a bit better. I enter a shop/store to pretend I need to buy something. I see that weird guy entering too.

Alex calls me to tell me he is there. I leave the shop/store and I see his car. He sees me and he grabs my suitcase before he puts it in the car. We enter it and Alex drives to Cervera. He puts his hand on mine and it helps me to relax.

Alex wakes me up telling me we're arrived. I open my eyes and I realized he already parked his car. I yawn and I leave the car. I grab my bag and my suitcase. I like the frontages of the house. It's lovely. I enter it with Alex. I feel so nervous. There is a smell of chocolate cookies coming from the kitchen.

"Papá! Mamá! ¡Somos nosotros!" - Alex says

I see Marc coming and he smiles at me. I hug him tight. I'm so happy to see him.

"Mamá está en la cocina y papá ha ido de hacer las compras." - Marc announces

Alex helps me to put my bag and my suitcase in his bedroom. He shows me the whole house and we enter the kitchen. I see his mother cooking. I'm so shy and I don't want to disturb her.

"Mamá ! Estamo aquí !" - Alex says

She looks at us and she smiles.

"Es adorable !" - She says, and she takes me in his arms.

ME / U (Alex Marquez)Where stories live. Discover now