Next Step

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Not being able to sleep Midoriya goes to the Gym in the dorms to take his mind off things, he practices his sword stance and technique with a kendo stick. He get's so focused he doesn't hear the door open. until he hears a voice "What are you doing up so late?" He turns to see "Oh Uraraka, I couldn't sleep so I had to take my mind off things. What about you."

She sighs and as she replies "Yeah same here. I have just been running scenarios in my head thinking what I could have done differently." He stops his practice as he says "That's useless" She looks up "What?" He turns to her "Look, you can't change the past so there is no point wracking your brain about it. Instead think how you can improve yourself for next time. That's why I'm here." She does something he hasn't seen her do in a while. Smile "I guess your right."

He smirks at her as he says "You guess?" She scoffs "Don't get cocky because you had one good piece of advice." He puts his hands up in surrender "Alright alright." She walks over to the sparing mat "Hey you know, taking on what you said we should start training together again. We could make it a regular thing if you want." Her voice quietens as she last part a litter quieter"

He puts the kendo stick down "Sure sounds fun. Anyway we should probably get some rest we have to go back to school tomorrow." They both go there separate ways towards there rooms and finally fall asleep, the next day things slowly go back to normal. But Midoriya seems different more determined. Iida walks up to Midoriya's desk as he continues writing "Midoriya I praise your efforts but you most also feed your body as well as your mind." Midoriya looks up in confusion "Uh?" His confusion doesn't last long as Uraraka interrupts "He wants to get lunch.

"Yeah ok just give me a second." After lunch they go back to there classroom and are told about the school festival they start coming up with ideas and decide to do a school concert to raise peoples spirits after everything that has happened. After class they head back to dorms, but Midoriya heads to the hospital with Togata to visit Eri. Togata pokes his head in the door of Eri's room "Hey were back! Were brought fruit." Midoriya follows behind "Hey Eri." Togata sits down next to her "Well what's your favourite fruit, wait let me guess a peach because your a peach." She looks in the basket as she say's "Apple." he laughs as he scratches his head "That's what I meant."

Midoriya watches as he sees Eri's horns *Her horns gotten smaller does that must mean she is getting better* He thinks She looks up to Midoriya "What do I call you?" He snaps out of his thoughts "Huh Oh that's right you don't know my name guess I'm kind of in-between hero names so Izuku should be fine.

She looks down at her lap "Izuku and Lemillion and what about the other man you all got hurt because of me. This is all my fault."

Togata jumps in "None of us are thinking that, we all thought so you could smile. He says placing his hand on her head Eri twists her face trying to make herself smile. but she sighs in defeat "I'm sorry but I think I have forgotten how to smile." She say's with her eyes getting teary "That just won't do, we will get your smile back."

Midoriya smiles at Togata as he joins "Yeah we swear, actually I have a good idea. We can take her to the school festival." Togata jumps up "Yeah that's a great idea."

Midoriya turns to him "We can start putting a case together to convince principle Nezu. They have things at the festival like performances food and also candy apples, Togata is on a leave from the school so he can spend some time with you before the festival." She looks up to Togata "Really?" He smiles and nods at her. After the visit Midoriya stays in the hospital and goes to visit his mother, he sees her walking around packing her stuff. "What are you doing, you shouldn't be moving so much in your condition."

She turns to Midoriya "I'm fine besides I'm allowed to go home now." He smiels as he walks up to her "Really that's great, I'm gonna help you pack and we can spend the rest of the day together."

"That sounds wonderful." Midoriya starts to thinks to himself *I'm actually kind of glad she can't remember, or she wouldn't be as happy as she is now.* As they walk out of the hospita she looks to Midoriya "You need to tell me everything that's happened while I was out." He smiles as he says "Yeah of course I won't miss out a detail." Bakugou stalks the corridors after coming back from his hero licence training, he sees them talking about the school festival and decides to be a part of it and helps by playing the drums. As Bakugou is walking to his room he sees Uraraka.

"Hey! Round face where did Deku go." She turns her head in anger "Why would you think I would answer you when you talk to me like that." He groans "Just answer the question!" Uraraka Sighs in defeat "He went to visit Eri in the hospital. Why?"

"Hm none of your business." Uraraka usually lets is rude attitude slide but she ccouldn't help it "Your really annoying you know. Obnoxious, rude you never even apologised for what you did to me and Deku y-you ruined our relationship!" He looked at her for a minute until he finally spoke. "Your right I shouldn't have kissed you to get back at Deku you weren't involved with what was going on. I'm sorry. "She stands there with a surprised look on her face, she never expected him to actually apologise she just thought he would tell her to shut up and walk away. "I-uh You. Well just because you apologised doesn't mean I'm just going to forgive you."

He places his hand in his pockets as he continues to walk "Okay."

"You also haven't apologised to Deku." he shrugs "Yeah sure whatever" He say's walking away She starts to think to herself *He actually apologised huh maybe there is hope for him yet, doesn't mean I'm forgiving him for what he did to me.* Bakugou enters his room and lies down on his bed.

*The gap between us just get's wider and wider he h- he is better then me* DMAN IT! *I'm just lagging behind like some lost puppy, damn I got so desperate I acted like a asshole and kissed the nerds girlfriend and ruined their relationship that was stupid. I can't beat him that way if I want to win and be number 1 I have to do it like a hero would. No cheap tricks"  

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