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He raises his hand and holds her keys in his hands he was told that the apartment was his till she came back he closes his eyes to remember her exact words. "Consider it yours till I come back" She hands the keys to him "Seriously!?" She nods and moves closer to him "I left a surprise in the garage; I think I gave you enough lessons." He opens his eyes and sits up he slaps his face to psych himself up.

He leaves the apartment and takes the bus down to where he was meant Mrs Mirko the directions take him to a abandoned building, he walks inside searches the floors to find them empty until he gets to the roof. "I thought we were meeting at your agency" Mirko steps down from the ledge she tenses her legs as she shoots herself off the ledge sending a powerful kick to Midoriya's direction Midoriya narrowly doges the attack as her leg goes through the wall behind him.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Mirko laughs " I can work with this, as the agency I don't exactly have one" Midoriya steps closer "Yeah I should have guessed the number 5 hero is more of a free-lance I take it you got set up with an agency and they give you missions. But since you do kind of have a agency I guess these counts as an internship" She smiles at his knowledge "One question before we start. Why do you want to take an internship with me." Midoriya smiles " That's easy I want to get stronger. You said I rely too much on my weapons so here I am"

"I think I'm going to like you but if you want me to train you, you have to be able to do one thing." Midoriya waits for her response "You have to be able to take a kick from me and not move a inch, if you can't do that there is no point of this" He turns back and looks at the wall with the hole in made by Mirko herself. "How?"

"You figure it out, you see kid I like you when I met you, I didn't see a hint of fear in your eyes when you attacked. I have never taken someone for an internship so don't disappoint me. Change into you suit and let's get started" Midoriya picks up his case and goes to change into his hero suit, while changing he starts thinking to himself "This is so stupid, can I even survive a kick from her, maybe if she let me bring my sword or any of my weapons."

He makes his way back and sees her stretching fear runs down his spine, she turns to him " So what do I call you? He thinks back to before Kimiko left, she told him something a potential hero name. She said it matches the way he acts joke or not he likes it. "You can call me Manic"

"Alright Manic, I'll hold back you ready?" He nods and lifts his forearms to prepare to block she swings her leg and smashes into him breaking his defence sending him into a wall. "Maybe this was a mistake?" She questions but then she her ears spike up as she hears movement, he stands to his feet wiping away the blood from his lip he grins at her "I expected more from the number 5 hero" She begins to laugh leaving him confused " Alright! again"

They continue this till the sun stets Manic is stumbling barley being able to stand on his own feet, Mirko sends another attack smashing into his arms he gets sent back about 7 feet. "Ha! You see that I didn't even fall this time and you only pushed me back about 7 meters this time last time it was 10." Mirko smile grows as Manic makes his way to her but before he can get their exhaustion finally takes over as he collapses Mirko catches him before he hits the ground.

"This kid is pretty amazing span of four hours he has adapted after every attack, his stance changes to fit my strikes. He is unconsciously using the iron body technique, where would he even learn that from." She carries him and leaps into the air heading for UA.

Midoriya wakes up on his bed he tries to sit up he can feel his body scream in pain, he lifts his top to see bruises over his body. He checks the time to see 12:30pm and gets up and heads to the kitchen dorms to get an ice pack, he sighs in relief as the ice hits his aching body.

"Deku?" He turns to see Uraraka wearing pyjama shorts and a top in bold letters saying Mochi "Hey your awake how you are feeling"

"Just a little sore" She looks down to see bruises on his body she rushes over examining the damage "Woah are you okay it looks really bad" He shakes his head " No it's not that bad Ms Mirko has been working me ragged." She realises how close she is to him and backs up "How did I get to my bed?"

"Oh, that was Mr Aizawa he brought you to your room" He makes a mental note to thank him later "How is your work study going" he says siting down on a kitchen stool "I think it's going well I got an offer from Ryukyu starting tomorrow"

"That's amazing!" He responds

She grabs his hand taking him by surprise "Hey for motivation let's make a promise that no matter what both were going to be heroes together." He looks at her puzzled "What brought this on"

"I just got a bad feeling" He grips her hand tight "I have the same feeling but let's just focus on getting stronger that way we won't need to be worried about whatever is coming." He realises he is still holding her hand and let's go, he nervously scratches his head and looks down at her top "Hey it's the top I got you for birthday I thought you hated it, since I never saw you wear it." She blushes a little and replies, "Yeah w-well I always use it as pyjamas" They continue to talk.

At a unknown location Manic lays on the ground body shattered and throbbing in pain, he thinks back to that day when things were a lot better before the liberation army and before Shigaraki attacked. Uraraka was right their time of peace was short lived. 

The Quirkless Hero BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now