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Midoriya starts to think as he is walking down the street "Mirko really wants me to work at her agency? I meet her tomorrow I can't wait!" He say's barley able to keep in his excitement he could get the chance to be taught by the number 5 hero. He turns as he walks into the apartment complex as he walks to the door and knocks.

The door opens to reveal Kimiko "Izuku your early" He scratches his head "Yeah I thought I should get here on time considering it's kind of our first date. Also, I thought a long walk would calm my nerves" he says while walking inside.

A/N: A boardwalk is a pretty much a fair next to the sea.

She smiles at him "Don't be nervous this will be fun I have never been to a boardwalk before." she says turning her back to him His face becomes confused "How come?" She turns to face him" My father never let me.

"Hey we don't have to go if you don't want to" She smiles at him and shakes her head "No I'm not going to let him ruing things for me. You ready to go?" He nods but looks at her attire she is wearing a woollen jumper with gloves and jeans " You want to go wearing that" Her face scrunches in anger "NOT THAT YOU DON'T LOOK NICE, it's just it even though it's winter today is meant to be really hot"

"Thanks for worrying but I'm fine" He shrugs "At least take off the jumper you're going to sweat like that" She shakes her head and grabs his hand leading him to the garage where her motercycle is. "What's with her today, she is acting weird" he say's grabbing on to her waist as she drives. They finally arrive and look around to see food stalls rides and games. "Wow this is amazing" he smiles " I knew you would like it"

They make their way to a shooting game "You want to try" She looks down at the toy gun " It would be unfair if I tried" He smirks " It sounds like you can't do it. She grabs the toy gun and shoots down the three targets with precision. The man behind the stall is amazed and asks what prize Midoriya requests the panda. "You were amazing" A blush spreads across her face as she waves him off "What did you expect, you better pay me back by wining me something so I can remember today."

They make their way through the boardwalk going on diffrent rides until they stop at a photobooth. "We have to get a picture" Kimiko says dragging Izuku. Izuku just smiles as the first picture is taken. "Come on don't be boring make some faces. Midoriya looks at her "Like what"

She shrugs "Surprise me" As the next picture is takes they both pull a face for the next picture Midoriya places a kiss to her cheek which causes her eyes to shoot open she slowly turns to look at him. As Midoriya places another kiss on her lips as the final pcture is taken, she responds eagerly as Midoriya moves his hand to her arm to deepen the kiss. But when he touches her arm, she flinches breaking the kiss.

She holds her arm "Sorry you surprised me, um let's look at the pictures" They both exit the booth as they look at the pictures embarrassed as the pictures caught their kiss. Midoriya realises soemthing "Hey I almost forgot I wanted to give you something, I won't see you a lot because of my internship and Christmas so here an early Christmas present. Can you cloes your eyes for me" She doesn't say anything and nods

He reaches into his pocket and wraps a neckless around her neck, she opens her eyes to see the neckless around her neck a metal arrowhead. (Pic above) "It's not a lot but I melted down one of my throwing blades it's just so you know I'm always looking out for you even if I'm not there." Tears start falling from her eyes as she looks at the neckless. "Oh, I'm sorry if you don't like it, I can find something else"

"No it's not that I love it, thank you it's just no has really ever given me anything like this" She pulls him into a hug "Thank you" She pulls back as she realises "But I haven't gotten you anything." He shakes his head "Don't worry about it besides the panda is more than enough" He says with a grin "Anyway it's late let's head back." With a giant Panda in hand Midoriya walks up the stairs of the apartment complex as Kimiko is opening the door. "I'm going to go change we can watch soemthing, you pick I'll be right back

Midoriya picks up the remote as he scrolls through " Haven't seen Bleach yet maybe we could watch that" Before he can decide someone knocks at her door. Midoriya gets up and opens the door to see a large man towering above him he has a rather strong build imagine All Might but a bit smaller.

"Who are you?" Midoriya questions "Does a someone named Kimiko live here." The large man asks, "I'm sorry but who are you" He asks as the man takes a step forward. "Hold on I never said you could come inside" he says raising his hand to his chest stopping him "Remove your hand and stand aside. I don't want to hurt you.

"That's pretty funny look you have no business her-" He doesn't let him finish as he pushes him aside and walks in. Midoriya stumbles into the kitchen counter in seconds Midoriya shadow steps behind the stranger holding a knife to his throat. "I don't know who you are, but you can't just barge in here s-"

Kimiko walks out of her room with a hairbrush in hand "What's with all the noise-" She drops the brush from her hand as she sees the man in front of her "Father?" Midoriya slowly releases the man and places the knife down. "Woah"

The Quirkless Hero BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now