Final Attack

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(If you were up to date with my uploads before I unpublished the other chapters this is the chapter that you would have read next so you can read from here if you have been waiting for a new chapter.)

Shigaraki leaps to his feet running straight for Aizawa as he is the only one who can stop his quirk Manic Shoots his grappling hook as it fires straight through Shigaraki's chest wrapping around him. Unphased Shigaraki runs as he drags Manic through the dirt he leaps past Bakugou heading for Aizawa but not before Endeavour envelops Shigaraki with a fire infused fist burning Manic's rope and sending Shigaraki flying.

 Endeavour stands to his feet "Manic Bakugou I can't do anything about you being here now Bakugou protect Manic and support Aizawa." Manic watches as they fight he tries to stay back but he can't help himself when he hears Shigaraki say the words "Brother" but before he could react Bakugou pulls the pin on his gauntlet sending everything he has causing a massive explosion this gives Endeavour the opportunity to use his vanishing fist enveloping Shigaraki in flames.

As the flames die down Shigaraki lies on his back with smoke coming off him as he starts to talk " You heroes pretend to protect society but it's all a lie, you act to like you can't see those you can't protect building yourselves up in such a way disgusting" Shigaraki thinks back to one time he could have used a hero he saw how they all passed him by. "It's this world. It's infested with maggots little by little it gets added up the trash that live get used to being protected you all took the opportunity to take advantage of those "Victims" this world has forever rejected me, that's why I destroy. That's wh- He is unable to finish as Endeavour fires flames at him as he says "Thanks for the break"

Shigaraki leaps into the air avoiding the flames as Grand Torino smashes his leg into Shigaraki sending him into the ground "How is he still moving" Torino didn't finish his thought as Shigaraki grabs Torino using his physical strength he crushes his leg and throws him to the side Manic's anger rises as he sees Grand Torino hurt he shoots off at full speed heading straight for Shigaraki, thoughts start to run through Manic's head "Calm yourself you go like this and your as good as dead. Shigaraki is running too but he isn't heading for me he's going after Aizawa I have to stop him or at least slow him down his skin is strong I don't know if I will be able to cut through it even if I do he will just regenerate but that takes time especially with all the damage he has sustained I have to hit him fast and strong. With Shigaraki approaching Manic pulls out his sword as he attacks Shigaraki with his strongest "EQUINOX SLASH!" aiming straight for Shigraki's arm.

Manic drives his blade into his arm as his feet touch the ground now where Shigaraki stood he looks to his hand to see his sword gone, he turns around for his eyes to shoot open as he sees Shigaraki running with his blade half way through his arm. "No way it didn't even cut through, I put all my power into that" Suddenly Ryuko flies down in her dragon form claps her hands around Shigaraki stopping him in his tracks. 

(Manic's sword fell off Shigaraki due to this attack) Shigaraki thrashes in her grip as he uses his strength to slowly rip a hole in Ryuko hand he tries to slip his arm out. Manic watches in hopelessness. "I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do! I should know what to do!" Manic's heart is pounding out of his chest "Shigaraki won't stay put for long! What do I do someone tell me what to do" His thoughts are speaking too fast for him to even process as his eyes capture something a Quirk destroying bullet in Shigaraki hands. "He is going to use it on Mr Aizawa and delete his quirk"

In that moment Manic ad two options Option one: attack Shigaraki aim for the same spot on his arm if he is lucky he could cut it clean off. Shigaraki readies his hand to flick the bullet with his pure strength. Or Option 2. As the bullet flies from Shigaraki fingers Manic was gone the moment the bullet pierced Aizawa Manic used his sword to slice through Aizawa's leg stopping the bullet from spreading. He chose option 2.

In that second Aizawa eyes slipped closed as Shigaraki uses his quirk Air cannon to shoot everyone away he leaps in the air as he descends he stretches his arm out straight for Aizawa but before he can touch him Manic drives his sword into his arm forcing his arm downwards before Shigaraki can react ice shoots from the ground sending Shigaraki backwards.  Shigaraki stands to his feet but when he does his chest splits open revealing the muscle below Manic's eyes shoot open *His body is breaking, I guess all of the transported quirks are too much for his body. 

Now is my chance I need to attack with everything I got with his skin like that I could cut through his body. No holding back 100% effort* Manic glances back as he sees Aizawa passed out, he is quick to remove the weights in his shoes the second they drop to the ground Manic takes off at a breakneck speed his sword drags across the ground as he slashes upwards into Shigaraki cutting his body open further not waiting for a second he continues his barrage of attacks knowing the second he stops Shigaraki will use decay on the ground and kill everyone.  

He won't let that happen a small glint of yellow glows off his sword as he swings his sword again into the same arm he attacked with a "EQUINOX SLASH" silence envelops them as they hear a thud Manic looks down to see Shigaraki's arm on the ground. Manic continues to attack as the same thought *What just happened? My sword what happened?* In that moment Manic halts his attacks Shigaraki uses this to activate another quirk black tendrils shoot out of his body but before they can pierce him he is lifted in the air as a that happens Endeavour releases his most powerful "PROMINENCE BURN!" as the fire clears Shigaraki body is burned to a crisp his body charred but he is still alive. 

Before Shigaraki can force his body to move Todoroki uses his fire and shoots a "FLASHFIRE FIST" at the same time a yellow beam shoots from the sky colliding both the attacks creating a small explosion sending Shigaraki to the ground leaving him in a small crater. Manic forces his head up to see Nejire she used her "SPIRELING FLOOD" Manic releases a sigh Shigaraki can't move he looks almost dead, as he breathes a pain shoots through his body he looks down as he sees his suit filling with blood. He turns his head to Bakugou as they move apart he falls to the ground Manic looks at Bakugou on the ground as blood slowly pools around him. *We were both hit by Shigaraki's attack. 

Suddenly he feels the ground rumble he shifts his eyes to see Gigantomachia grab Shigaraki Manic's legs tremble *NO, NO, NO, NO, NO were so close he's almost dead I can't let him win not now" Manic slowly drops to his knees as his eyes grow heavy he can feel the warm sensation of blood filling his suit. Manic starts to blink in and out of consciousness he sees Best Jeanist, Togata or Lemillion then nothing.

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