Vigilante Returns

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Midoriya feels like he is submerged in water he tries to breathe but it's so hard, for what feels like hours he sees flashes of the battle he was just in. Was it "Just" how long has he been out it feels like minuets? Days? Am I still there is everyone fighting and I'm sleeping or dead I can't sleep and if I'm dead I reject it I can't die if everyone is still fighting.  

His eyes slowly open as he feels the bright light of the hospital lights he moves his head and sees bandages around his waist it must be where he was stabbed by Shigaraki. Is Bakugou okay I took the front of the attack but he still got hurt? What about Ms Mirko I haven't seen her since. His eyes shift as he hears a beeping sound increase it get's louder and faster the more he thinks about everyone. Until he get's a wash of relief fall over him as he falls back to sleep. 

He wakes up once more and as soon as he gains consciousness he forces his arm to remove the IV drip in his arm probably has anaesthesia which is what put him to sleep. He tries to move as he feels a pain shoot through his body he needs to know if everyone is okay, he drags his body out of bed as he hits the floor he hears footsteps of what he assumes to be doctors he hears voices "He should have been out for days with that amount of anaesthesia he definitely shouldn't be able to move" He feels them carry him back to bed buut he strugle as he starts to mumble "My f-fri-ends w-what happ-ppend to t-th-em." As they place him in bed he hears them say "Your friends are fine. Focus on yourself right now" 

That's the last thing eh remembers until his body shoots up, he feels a pain in his abdomen but not as bad as before, his vision is a lot more clear then before. He looks around as he finds his clothes he also sees multiple syringes he remembers the doctors used it to knock him out he grabs them off the table and places it into his bag, could be useful later. He picks up his phone to check the news he finds out multiple things Endeavour has released a statement they will use UA as a sanctuary to reduce the area they have to protect, apparently they haven't said that UA students were part of the fight and finally there was a breakout at Tartarus most of the big hitter villains broke out.

Midoriya finally finds the strength to stand and not fall over he used the walls to stable himself he makes his way to the door as it opens he sees the face he wishes he could erase from his mind. All Might "Midoriya you shouldn't be up" He reaches out to him to help him back to bed Midoriya pushes his hand away "Don't touch ME! Haven't you done enough I know what you did in the med wing at UA that water you gave me had your DNA in you tried to give me One For All." All Might looked at him ashamed then confused "Tried?" Midoriya smirks "The moment I drank it I knew what you were trying to do I remember you said it takes 10 hours for One for All to activate before that time I took a quirk destroying bullet" 

For context he got the bullet from his fight with Naruhata back in Book 1 titled Naruhata he found a bullet that survived the explosion.

All Might is left silent until he finally speaks "Young Midoriya I am sorry I was doing this for your own good, you would have needed One For All i-" 

" No SHUT UP! Don't say this is for me we all know it's for you, you can't handle your legacy dying with you. Everything that has happened these past days is your fault Shigaraki is after me. He is still after me because apparently even though I can't use your stupid quirk it's still in me. He wants your quirk and he won't stop until he gets it I'm going to be hunted because of YOU!" 

All Might is left speechless he thinks of everything that has happened is it his fault, he put his life in danger.

"I-I I'm sorry I won't let him do anything to you, we will get Shigaraki  you may have to leave UA for a bit but we'll get hi-" He isn't able to finish as Midoriya punches All Might he doesn't have enough strength for a proper punch but it was enough to knock him back a few feet "I'm not gonna let you help, all I'm gonna let you do is sit and watch because if I d- no remember you said I do die. So when I die it's going to be on you." Before All Might can even think of a response doctors walk through the door and lead him back to bed  he tells the doctors to get All Might out as they do his mother walks in. "Izuku!" She wraps her arms around him pulling him into a hug "Mom I'm fine" The doctors leave the room after they put him in bed his mother starts to cry as she sees the condition he is in, he tries to comfort her "it's not as bad as it looks I promise" She doesn't believe anything he say's knowing the extent of his injuries. 

He lies back down as she refuses to leave his side to eat or go home, but he knows he is going to eventually leave hers he can't stay if Shigaraki is still after him "Mom I need to tell you something" She cuts him off "I know about One For All about Shigaraki. All Might told me he also said you said you will say you won't go back to UA. he said he would help you from the outside of UA." He sighs " I can't go back it will just put them in danger" He hears sobs as he turns to see her crying "How are you meant to beat him you already lost that's why your here" 

"Trust me when I say I will find a way" She starts to cry into his chest he thinks he could tell her how he got One For All but then she just wouldn't let him go it's better to believe someone is looking out for him.  

After some time he is released from the hospital he sneaks back into UA he takes what he needs he stands on his desk as he lifts the tile on his roof takes his vigilante suit after he stops by the support class for one last favour from Mei to fix his suit, after the fight it got damaged. This time he payed close attention to everything she did and took some mental notes in case he needed to do his own repairs. "Sorry Midoriya but this suit is way too busted I'm not a sewing kind of person so I can't fix this but I can give you soemthing else we are doing upgrades for prototype suits that are being given for next year students  " He sighs in defeat "You got anything dark in black I need to be a bit inconspicuous"

 "Sorry Midoriya but this suit is way too busted I'm not a sewing kind of person so I can't fix this but I can give you soemthing else we are doing upgrades for prototype suits that are being given for next year students  " He sighs in defeat "You...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Not my art best one I could find that fitted the style I wanted him to go down also he still has arms idk why he doesn't in this pic) 

Midoriya checks out his costume in the mirror he removes the green mask as he places it on the desk it reminds him too much of All Might she remade his grapple gun and multiple other things. He pulls the black hood up and pulls his metal mask up his face is barley visible. Perfect. He hears Mei calling to him as he pulls the hood down. "I can take a guess at what your about to do, I'm only saying this because you I packed you utility belt with lots of my babies so be carful you know with my creations" He smiles at her "Your creations are in safe hands and I'll be carful, thanks for everything you did for me I just want you to know you are my friend I don't come to you because I need something it's because I trust you." Before he leaves she hands him something he looks at her in confusion "Comunication device If your planing what I thinHe leaves with his suit packed in a bag as he makes his way into the city using Kimiko's bike. 

He enters through the garage as he makes her apartment his momentary base.  

A/N: from here on it may deviate from the manga and show because the manga is still going and I'm planning to finish story soon, also it will prevent spoilers for people who haven't caught up.

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