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The dorms in UA are quiet as Class 1A meet in the living room Kirishima is first to break the silence "So Midoriya really left" He speaks in a defeated voice "I guess so" Mina responds without her usual energy "It appears that he is trying to protect us as Shigaraki is after All For One" Iida says as he adjusts his glasses they all mummer among each other but Asui is the one to ask the most important question "But we all know Midoriya is quirkless the real question is how did he get a quirk? We have been with him for a while and he doesn't have a quirk." Yaoyorozu scans through all the notes they Midoriya left "It seems all the notes were tailored to us specifically but none of them explain where the quirk originated from" 

Todoroki glances over her shoulder "but your missing two where are Uraraka's and Bakugou's letter. If each letter is different maybe there's has information ours doesn't " Before they can wonder Jiro interrupts "While were on the topic where are Bakugou and Uraraka?" 

Bakugou storms through the halls of UA clutching the letter left by Deku the last sentence of the letter ring through his mind 


"In my opinion we were barley friends I think we were getting there but I have known you longer then anyone else there so you have the right to know how I got this quirk...." 


Bakugou kicks the office door open as he shouts "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU DO ALL MIGHT!" Bakugou looks round to find his office a mess and All Might is picking up furniture "Young Bakugou I thought you may be coming, as you can see I already had a visit from Uraraka please sit." He gestures towards the seat. 


Midoriya eyes shoot open as his eyes move to look around the room he tries to turn his head but his body won't move  he starts to panic "I can't move, I CAN'T MOVE! I- " A voice suddenly interrupts "Quit with the screaming it's only temporarily, it will help with the healing you'll be able to move in a few hours." Manic starts to calm down "You helped me, why?" 

The man walks into Midoriya's eyeline he is a old man he sort of resembles Grand Torino "You were passed out outside my shop I couldn't exactly leave you to bleed out" Midoriya looks down to his chest as he sees bandages covering his body "My wound must have opened up, thank you" The old man looks over and picks up the top half of his suit he searches through his utility belt pulling out the communicator Mei gave him Midoriya tries to raise his hand to stop him but he can barley move "What do you think your doing" The old man ignores him "What is your objective you went to fight that villain even though it wasn't your job, your still a kid."

Midoriya has no reason to talk to him, maybe it was the fact thta he looked a lot like Grand Torino but decides to explain everything to him "So you see before I take out Shigaraki, I need to get the inmates back into Tartarus." Midoriya lets out a light chuckle "I don't know why I said all that?" The old man smiles "You have a heavy burden to carry at such a young age, it's good you shouldn't keep it all to yourself. But how do you intend to kill Shigaraki" Midoriya smiles "No clue." The old man smiles as he sits down with a cup in his hand "Well your not getting anywhere with the Ki control you have" Midoriya looks at him puzzled "What do you mean Qi control" The man looks back shocked "You don't know about Qi? But I saw you use it against that villain" Midoriya tries to think back he remembers a small glow of his sword was that it. "You mean that glow on my sword?"

The old man sighs "This whole time you haven't noticed. What about you reacting to his attacks before he hit you" Midoriya thinks for a second "Oh you the foresight technique my teacher taught me that" The man looked shocked but then smiles " I guess to the untrained it would be called foresight, listen Qi is the energy that flows through every living thing it gives life it was a rare skill to be able to control your Qi and even more rare with the emergence of quirks. In martial arts Qi is used in many ways it can be used for defence by focusing ones Qi you withstand stronger attacks, attack as seen when you focused your Qi into your sword and finally perception you didn't foresee the attack if you focus you can sense the Qi of others around you telling you what arm or leg is about to move or who is around you." 

Midoriya remains silent to be sure he is done, he starts to think back to his previous fights, back with Shigaraki he saw that same glow and when he fought the Nomu's he cut through them with ease.  "I guess that makes sense but how is something like that even possible a way to increase your physical strength" The man takes a sip of his tea " it's not that simple like I said Qi is lifeforce in your body all you are doing is drawing some of the energy in your body to a specific spot, like your fist or your stomach to throw or withstand a attack. You draw too much your body won't be able to compensate for the loss of energy and you'll likely pass out" 

Midoriya thinks for a second "I see it's like taking energy from one part of your body and putting it to another part, will you teach me to get better control that's all I'm asking" The old man looks down into his cup "I don't agree with your mission but if I help you there is a less of a chance of you dying so alright. How long do you have." Midoriya stares at the roof "3 days I can spare 3 days" The old man chokes on his drink "It is impossible for someone to learn Qi control in 3 days" The old man stands up but Midoriya moves his arm and clutches his leg" Please you said I already have some control and I have been told I'm a quick study, you don't loose anything by doing this" The man is shocked he was able to move his hand he blocked his Qi to stop his movement but Midoriya still moved he unblocked his Qi on his own. "Alright I'll do it, sleep for a couple hours first you need it" Midoriya smiles he may have a chance.

I'm back I have some new ideas and I know where the story will go it's gonna go away form the source material so there won't be spoilers hope you all continue to enjoy and read the story. I'll try to update weekly form now on. 

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