Class A VS Class B

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Uraraka changes her into her hero costume getting ready for the practical fight with class A and B she walks to her closet to put her clothes away, she reaches in and grabs a jacket Deku's jacket the one he gave to her the other day. She slowly brings it closer to her face as she suddenly stops herself

"WHAT AM I AM DOING!" She says as she drops it to the ground. "I'm pathetic I can't be hung up on him like this he's already with someone, I'm just torturing myself."

"She picks up the jacket and puts it back in her closet. But I'll just keep this for a bit longer." She says timidly.

She makes her way out of her room to the kitchen and grabs a snack for breakfast hoping to get some training in before school.

School starts, and their class makes their way to the practical site, Uraraka looks around for Deku but can't see him as Vlad King starts to talk Uraraka sees Deku sneak in next to her. "Are you okay I didn't see you this morning and no offense, but you look like a mess" He gives a small smile " Yeah well I went to train with Deust but when it got late, he kicked me out so I went to train in the woods outside the dorms and kind of fell asleep, you can probably put the rest together"

She gives a small laugh while saying "I'm just glad you're okay, I hope the training was worth it" he responds while he is fixing his hero costume "Trust me it was" He looks back to Vlad King as Shinso joining the hero course and how Shinso will participate in all of the fights to even out the teams after he explains the rules that they are heroes but villians to the opposing team and the objective is for each team to capture the other and get them inside the cage.

The first match ups are drawn Class A Tsui Kaminari Kirishima and Koda Vs Class B Shiozaki, Shishida, Tsuburaba and Rin. The Midoriya observes the match closely, as he cries in annoyance "In all the rush I forgot to bring my notebook Class B really have improved" As the match comes to a close with the win to Class A.

As the next group go on Midoriya starts to think "Shinso has improved a lot more than I thought with that new support item I have to be careful" The next couple matches move quickly with a win to Class B and a draw. The latest match with Bkaugou's team ends with a win which puts Class A in the lead.

The final match beings with Class A Midoriya, Mineta, Mina and Uraraka. Class B Monoma, Shinso, Shoda, Kodai and Yanagi.

Midoriya's team starts to walk through the arena the team consists of Mina, Mineta, Uraraka and Midoriya. Mineta is the first to speak "I don't want to be negative, but how are we going to beat them their quirks are so much stronger than ours"

Mina interrupts "Don't be like that we can shoot acid make things float and stick, actually saying that aloud are quirks are terrible for this."

"Good thing I got a plan" They all turn to Midoriya "That's why we can't fight them head on we split them up, Mineta stay with me Uraraka and Mina follow behind us but keep your distance. Once we find them, I'm going to through one of these." He says holding a small ball between his fingers Uraraka catches on " Those are your flash bangs right"

"Yeah, once I throw these, they won't be able to attack for a few seconds this will give Mineta a chance to use his balls stick all of them down, then Mina and Uraraka will come in and we will take them down together.

Mina's demeanour completely changes "Alright! We may actually have a chance to win this"

Midoriya carries Minata on his back as he scales a small wall onto a platform, he an Mineta quickly find the enemy team, Midoriya sends a hand sign to Uraraka and Mina telling them where the other team is. "Wait hold on Midoriya what are you doing!" Midoriya jumps into the air and throws Mineta down at the enemy "Do it Mineta"

"GRAPE RUSH!" Mineta activates pop off and throws it down at the enemy team sticking the enemy team down to the ground making them unable to use their quirks. Mineta gets up "No way that actually work-" Before Mineta can finish, a glowing bolt smashes into Mineta knocking him out.

Midoriya hears laughter and turns his head to see Monoma and Shinso. "You really think we would fall for such a pitiful ATTACK!"

Midoriya thinks to himself "Monoma must have copied Yanagi's quirk" Monoma whispers something to Shinso. Mina hears Deku's voice "Mina Uraraka take Mineta and run"

"Midoriya-" Midoriya shouts "Mina that's not ME!"

"Uraraka knock Mina out and take her to the prison" Uraraka doesn't hesitate and runs at Mina, before they can land, she doges them then looks up to Deku "Deku I got her get Shinso!"

"Right!" Midoriya runs across the platform and jumps for heading for Shinso before he can land multiple projectiles smash into him knocking him out of the air and sending him into the ground. Midoriya *I have to take out Monoma before I go for Shinso* Midoriya get's to his feet and starts to run in the opposite direction. "Shinso go after Mina I'll take Midoriya!"

Next Chapter: Shadow Step

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