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"Kimiko, I have been waiting to talk to you for such a long time" He say's walking closer to her she slowly starts backing away, he has never seen her wit such a expression on her face she looks scared.

Midoriya walks over to her placing a hand to her shoulder causing her father to stop moving "Is this man really your father?" Kimiko lowers her head "Yes"

"You want me to get rid of him for you, I still have the knife" She gives a light chuckle at his statement, "I- no it's fine I want to talk to hear him out can you wait in my room" He nods and takes a glance at the man as walks into her room.

The man walks closer "Stay where you are! You can say what you need to from there." He stops " I- did you get my letters I sent you quite a few." He says giving a light chuckle "I did, what do you want.

"I know nothing I say would ever get you to forgive me for the type of father I was I-" He hears a scoff "You weren't even a father since she died, you may as well have not been there, I was 10 and you left you didn't even have the decency to drop me with Grandfather you only called him once you remembered I existed I was scared and the only person I really wanted was my dad but he left ME! I-I had to wear gloves to school encase my quirk activated or if Incase I hurt Grandpa." She scoffs "The sad thing is he was more of a father then you ever where" At the time she didn't even notice but she was crying.

"I can't say sorry enough I was a coward and left my only daughter because was scared I regret it every day and that's why I'm here. It's something you might find interesting.

Midoriya is still waiting in her room surprisingly enough he can't hear a thing he hears the door open then close with Kimiko walking in and sitting beside him on the bed. "So, what happened is he gone" She shakes her head and looks at him " I think I have to leave. Midoriya jumps to his feet "Why? Because of that guy I'll get rid of him make sure he doesn't come back"

She places a hand on his arm "it's not him he told me I have an aunt whose quirk is similar to mine, she could teach me to control mine I will never forgive him, but this may be my only chance to get control."

"But you already have some control already you don't have to leave your school is already teaching you." She stands to meet his eyeline "I didn't want to worry you, so I never said anything but, it hasn't been going well." She rolls up her sleeves to show burn marks on her arms His eyes grow wide with shock "When I use my electricity it backfires on me that's how I got these burns, then I started to think what happens if I can't control the other quirks that's why I have been wearing gloves." She says this all with a smile as Midoriya sits back down with her. "I guess that explains the outfit today" He gives a dry laugh

"Where does your aunt live?" He questions "America and he wants to leave today, the quicker the better, I guess." He places his hand to his face as tears start falling from his eyes "Man l-look what you've done I haven't cried in ages and n-now I can't stop I'm sorry if this is selfish but, I-I don't want you to leave."

She pulls him down to her shoulder as he cries, he pulls away as he dries his eyes "Do you know how long"

"I don't know how long but I'm a fast learner so I'm sure I'll be back before you know it" She keeps a cherry attitude, so he tries to match it. "Yeah, I guess so." He says with a smile "I'm going to talk to you whenever I can and I still have your neckless, so I'm not going to forget you."

They both lie flat on their backs he turns his head to her "Hey" She turns to look at him "If you're leaving, I should tell you something "Yes" Her eyes grow in anticipation ".... I lo- I'm really going to miss you" Her eyes fall in slight disappointment he saw her eyes glisten with tears as she hugs him again, pressing her face into his chest "Can we stay like this for a while, until I have to go." He doesn't say anything and just holds her tighter. But he thinks to himself why he couldn't say those 3 words. It felt like a second but he closed his eyes, and she was gone.

A/N: Tried to make this chapter sad but I'm not great with sad scenes.  

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